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Chime Sample Application

Server Appliance Kit

The chime sample application demonstrates many features of the Microsoft Server Appliance Kit. By examining the source code for the Chime application, you can see how you can do the following:

  • Implement primary and secondary navigation pages
  • Implement a property page
  • Implement a tabbed property page
  • Implement series of wizard pages
  • Add a resource item and detailed status information to a status page

To install the sample application

  1. Insert the Microsoft Server Applicance Kit CD into the CD drive.
  2. Run d:\sdk\chime\installchime.cmd, where d is the drive letter of the CD drive.

To view the sample application

  • Open the Web site https://localhost:8098 using your browser.


  • The WBEM provider in the sample application, chimeprov.cpp, requires the fwcommon.h file to be compiled. This file can be obtained by installing the WMI SDK, which is available at this Microsoft Web site.
  • The Chime sample application builds debug versions of its dynamic-link libraries (DLLs). The debug versions will not function on a system that does not contain msvcrtd.dll. This is not a problem on development systems.

To uninstall the sample application

  1. Insert the Microsoft Server Applicance Kit CD into the CD drive.
  2. Run d:\sdk\chime\uninstallchime.cmd