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Extending an Alert with Hyperlinks

Server Appliance Kit

You can add one or more user action links to an alert. These user actions appear in the alert area page or pagelet, which is accessed by clicking an alert link on the Status page. A user action provides a link to a related configuration page, which is usually a task.

Add one Web element for each user action associated with an alert as the following screenshot shows.

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The following list describes each part of the Web element definition:

  • ElementID. For readability, you must use the alert name concatenated with the user action identifier. If there is more than one user action, use the alert name concatenated with UserActionXX, where XX is the number of the link.
  • Container. All user action elements for a given alert will have the same Container value, which is ElementID of the alert. For more information, see Adding an Alert to the Web Element Database.
  • CaptionRID. This value binds a resource identifier to a string, and the string is then used as the link text.
  • DescriptionRID. This value binds a resource identifier to a string, and the string is then used as the link hover text.
  • URL. This value supplies the location of the user action.
  • Merit. This value is used to determine the order of display.

Add the Web element definitions for the alert under the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ServerAppliance\ElementManager\WebElementDefinitions ElementManager service key.

The following table shows a sample Web element for such an alert.

Value Type Description Example
ElementID Key Unique key name.

You must follow the naming convention of <containername><unique part>.

CaptionRID String Resource identifier for link text 4C000010
Container String ElementID of alert definition AlertDefinitionsSampleResource.dll4C000004
DescriptionRID String Resource identifier for link hover text. <4C000014>
ElementGraphic String Not used <empty>
IsEmbedded DWORD Not used 0x0
Merit DWORD Display order 0x1
Source String Path to resource DLL sampleresource.dll
URL String Page to display when link is clicked chime/prop_chime_config.asp

The following screenshot shows the alert detail for the Date and time not set up alert after the link has been clicked.

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