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/C - Preserve Comments During Preprocessing

This option preserves comments during preprocessing with the /E - Copy Preprocessor Output, /EP - Copy Preprocessor Output, or /P - Create Preprocessor Output File options. If you do not specify the /C option, the preprocessor does not pass source-file comments to the associated output file. This option is valid only if the /E, /P, or /EP option is also used.

The following example produces a listing named Sample.i. The listing file contains the original source file, including comments, with all preprocessor directives expanded or replaced.


Where CLxxx is the name of the compiler for the target processor family.

See Also

About Microprocessor Compilers | ARM Guide | Hitachi Guide | MIPS Guide | /E - Copy Preprocessor Output | /EP - Copy Preprocessor Output | /P - Create Preprocessor Output File

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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