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Application Download Services (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Application Download Service includes download and launch services for application deployment. The services that belong to this service category provide the following functionality:

  • Copying files from desktop to a target device
  • Launching applications on a target device
  • Providing basic OS and system information about the target device

By default, the application download service category contains two services that implement ICcService and ICcBootstrap:

  • ActiveSync service that downloads an application to a target device using ActiveSync.
  • KITL service that downloads an application to a target device using the Kernel Independent Transport Layer.

The ICcServiceCB interface provides methods that allow you to receive notification of download progress or other events. For more information, see Using the Service Callback Interface.

See Also

Download Interfaces | Using the ICcBootstrap Interface | Configuring a Connection for Downloading and Debugging

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