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LogVerbose (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function writes to the logging stream using the default logging zone when the verbosity level is set to verbose or lower.

void LogVerbose(  const TCHAR* tszFormat,  vargs ...);


  • tszFormat
    [in] Pointer to a null-terminated string that contains formatting specifications for additional parameters to pass to this function. For more information about specifying formats, see printf, wprintf.
  • ...
    [in] One or more optional parameters. The number and type of these additional parameters depends on the value of the tszFormat parameter.


Use this function to record minor details that might be useful when debugging a specific problem. To record general-purpose comments, use the LogComment function.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.2 and later.
Header: StressUtils.h.
Link Library: StressUtils.lib.

See Also

Windows CE Stress Tool Functions | Log | LogAll | LogComment | LogEx | LogFail | LogWarn1 | LogWarn2

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