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IDVDRenderer::RegisterSyncEvent (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method binds an event handle to specific events in the DVD presentation.

HRESULT RegisterSyncEvent(EDVDSyncEventTypeeType,HANDLEh,void* pDataLock,DWORDdwMaxDataSize,void* pEventData);


  • eType
    [in] The following table lists the values for the eType parameter.

    Value Description
    DVD_NAV_PACK_EVENT The renderer has parsed NV_PCK so that PCI and data search information (DSI) packets are available in the event buffer. A 1:1 correspondence between the number of NV_PCKs received and the number of signals generated is assumed.
    DVD_HIGHLIGHT_EVENT This event is used to synchronize the DVD highlight control. It specifies when the renderer is ready to process Highlight commands. It also indicates when the button activation highlight has occurred.

    The first synchronization purpose is to be sure that the renderer has a valid HLI (highlight) in which to apply the highlight command. This is generated at HLI_S_PTM. As a reaction to this event, the navigator will usually process the initial selection.

    The second purpose is to indicate that the renderer has processed activation of a specified button. This allows the navigator to wait until the activation highlight is actually displayed before going further. The other important use of the activation event is to notify the navigator that forced activation, if it occurred, happened at BTN_SL_E_PTM.

    DVD_PLAYBACK_EVENT The decoder system time clock (STC) has exceeded the end of the video object unit (VOBU) presentation time of the last VOBU the decoder received.
    DVD_CC_DATA_EVENT This event is generated when the GOP user data for line 21 are detected in the GOP layer of the MPEG video stream.
  • h
    [in] Event handle associated with the event.

  • pDataLock
    [in] Pointer to a critical section that protects the event buffer during update and modification. Client software should minimize the time spent with eventBuffer locked in order to allow for expedient interrupt processing. This value can be NULL if no protection is desired. There should be CRITICAL_SECTION * in the signature but using void * can simplify MIDL.

  • dwMaxDataSize
    [in] Size of the event buffer to be associated with the event. It should be large enough to accommodate all data.

  • pEventData
    [out] Pointer to the event buffer. The event buffer is used as input during the registration of some events and is used as output to place the data associated with the signaled event where it belongs. The event buffer should persist while the handle remains registered.

    The following table shows the values for the pEventData parameter on output.

    Value Description
    DVD_NAV_PACK_EVENT Contains a PCI packet following a data search information (DSI) packet for a total 979+1017=1996 bytes.
    DVD_HIGHLIGHT_EVENT Contains one byte-activated button number or 0xFF to indicate readiness to process highlights.
    DVD_PLAYBACK_EVENT Not applicable.
    DVD_CC_DATA_EVENT GOP user data for line 21 data structured according to MPEG and DVD specifications, not including the user_data_start code (0000 01b2h). The total length of the buffer is 9+64*3=201.

Return Values

The following table shows a list of possible return values.

Return value Description
S_OK The request completed successfully.
E_INVALIDARG The size is too small to return event data.


Optional arguments describing the specifics of requested events can be passed in the event buffer during registration. Once registration is successful, the event buffer is filled with any data associated with the event. It is possible to specify a critical section to protect access to an event buffer. The critical section is locked while data in the event buffer is being updated.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Dvddrvr.idl.

See Also

EDVDSyncEventType | IDVDRenderer:IUnknown

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