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Configuring Certificate Server Templates with Windows Server 2003

To enable your CA to issue certificates, you need to select and configure the certificate types that your CA can issue.

To configure the certificate server templates

  1. On TESTSERVER, from Administrative Tools, open Certification Authority.
    1. In the console tree, expand the Testserver CA node, right-click Certificate Templates, choose New, and then choose Certificate Template to Issue.

      A list of supported certificate templates appears.

    2. Select the Authenticated Session certificate template, and then choose OK.

  2. On TESTSERVER, from Administrative Tools, open Active Directory Sites and Services.
    1. From the View menu, choose Show Services Node.

    2. Under the Services node, double-click Public Key Services, and then double-click Certificate Templates.

      A list of supported certificate templates appears.

    3. To set the security permissions for the ClientAuth and the User templates, right-click each template, and choose Properties. For each of the two templates, on the Security tab on the template properties page, choose the Authenticated Users group, and then select the Allow checkbox for Enroll permissions.

See Also

How to Set Up a Wireless Network with a Security Infrastructure

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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