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This code sets various attributes in the smart card reader driver. For a list of all defined attributes, refer to Part 3 of the Interoperability Specification for ICCs and Personal Computer Systems.


  • dwOpenData
    [in] Handle returned from a call to the smart card reader driver's XXX_Open (Device Manager) function.
  • dwCode
    [in] Specifies this code.
  • pBufIn
    [in] Contains a tag value describing the data to be set.
  • dwLenIn
    [in] Set to the size of the entire TLV structure.
  • pBufOut
    [out] The attribute data.
  • dwLenOut
    [out] Set to sizeof(ULONG).
  • pdwActualOut
    [out] Set to sizeof(ULONG).

Return Values

One of the following status values.

Status Description
STATUS_SUCCESS The attribute has been set successfully.
STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED The attribute is not supported.
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER The attribute to be set is in the wrong format.


Smart card reader drivers return Windows NT status values, rather than Win32 error values, as the return values from the driver's callback function.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Winsmcrd.h.

See Also

XXX_Open (Device Manager)

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