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This function registers a KITL client.

BOOL CallEdbgRegisterClient(
  UCHAR* pId,
  char* ServiceName,
  UCHAR Flags,
  UCHAR WindowSize,
  UCHAR* pBufferPool


  • pId
    [out] Pointer to a UCHAR variable that receives the KITL client identifier.
  • ServiceName
    [in] Pointer to the name of the string that contains the name of the service that is being registered. The string should be null terminated and should be up to MAX_SVCNAME_LEN characters.
  • Flags
    [in] Specifies the action to take. The flags are defined in %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Inc\Kitlprot.h. The following table shows possible flags for this parameter.
    Flag Description
    KITL_CFGFL_STOP_AND_WAIT Stop after each transmission and wait for an acknowledgement.
    KITL_CFGFL_NOACKS Do not acknowledge data messages.
    KITL_CFGFL_MULTIINST Allow multiple instances of this service on the device.
  • WindowSize
    [in] Protocol window size up to KITL_MAX_WINDOW_SIZE. The default value is 8.
  • pBufferPool
    [in] Pointer to a buffer pool to use for KITL packet buffers. The size of the buffer pool must be equal to WindowSize*2* KITL_MTU.

Return Values

Returns TRUE if the call was successful; otherwise, returns FALSE.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Halether.h.
Link Library: Hal.lib.

See Also


Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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