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This IOCTL is used to clear a data breakpoint.

The OEMKDIoControl function calls this IOCTL.


  • dwIoControlCode
    [in] Set to KD_IOCTL_CLEAR_DBP.

  • lpBuf
    [out] Pointer to a buffer that allocates space for a KD_BPINFO structure.

  • nBufSize
    [in] Size of the buffer pointed to by lpBuf.

    This is set to the size of the KD_BPINFO structure.


The OEM sets the ulHandle member of KD_BPINFO to the handle of the breakpoint to clear.

Return Values

TRUE indicates success. FALSE indicates failure.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Pkfuncs.h.

See Also

KD_BPINFO | OEMKDIoControl | Implementing Save and Restore Coprocessor Register Support

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