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Logging Event Data (Windows CE 5.0)

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For your event tracking library to work correctly with existing flush applications such as CeLogFlush.exe, OSCapture.exe, and the Remote Kernel Tracker data transport layer, your event tracking library must interact with them through a RAM buffer. The RAM buffer is the interface between the event tracking library that places data into the buffer, and the flushing application that removes it. To communicate properly, both sides must interpret the data in the same way and follow certain rules about adding and removing data from the buffer. For more information, see CeLog Buffering Scheme.

For viewing applications such as Remote Kernel Tracker and Readlog to correctly interpret the data that your event-tracking library produces, you must store the events in the proper file format. For more information, see CeLog Event Format.

For viewing applications such as Remote Kernel Tracker and Readlog to correctly interpret the time stamps that your event tracking library stores with each event, your library must report the timer frequency that its time stamps use in the dwCeLogTimerFrequency value in the CeLogExportTable that your library registers with the kernel. The kernel reports timer frequency in a CELID_LOG_MARKER event whenever an application calls CeLogReSync. For more information, see Interpreting Event Timestamps.

Your event-tracking library is responsible for logging TLB miss events. The kernel does not log CELID_SYSTEM_TLB events. For information on how to implement this in your event-tracking library, see Retaining the dwCeLogTLBMiss Counter.

See Also

Registering an Event Tracking Library

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