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Product Support (Windows CE 5.0)

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Many common user questions are covered in Knowledge Base (KB) articles or have been discussed in product newsgroups. For more information, see this Microsoft Web site. For information about the latest support details on this product, see this Microsoft Web site.

Microsoft offers advanced support for experts and businesses. For more information about pay-per-incident assistance online or by phone in the United States, see this Microsoft Web site.

To purchase support incidents in advance, please call Professional Support Sales at (800) 936-3500. If you are calling from Canada, you can reach Professional Support Sales by calling (800) 805-4440 from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, eastern time.

For larger organizations requiring managed support directly from Microsoft, contracts are also available through a number of Premier Support and Alliance Support offerings. For more information, see this Microsoft Web site.

The following table shows the numbers to call in the United States to submit your incident over the phone.

Customer Phone number
Developers (800) 936-5800
IT Professionals (800) 936-4900
Partners (resellers/consultants) (888) 456-5570
Microsoft Certified Partners (888) 677-9444
Original Equipment Manufacturers (800) 936-2197
System Builders (888) 456-5570

For more information about Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) support offerings in the United States, see one of the following Microsoft Web sites:

PSS assistance is subject to the then-current prices, terms, and conditions of Microsoft, which are subject to change without notice.

The support terms listed here are available in the United States and Canada only. Support outside the United States and Canada can vary. For information about support offerings outside the United States and Canada, contact the Microsoft subsidiary in your area or see this Microsoft Web site for regional contact details.

See Also

Online Resources | Getting Assistance

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