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This method retrieves the name of a marker, given its marker number.

Compatibility: Windows Media Player

sRetVal = MediaPlayer.GetMarkerName( 


  • lMarkerNum
    [in] Long value specifying the number of the marker name to return.

Return Values

Returns a String containing the name of the marker. This method returns a null string if the specified marker does not exist.


Some media clips do not contain markers. Retrieve the MarkerCount property to find out how many markers are in the current clip. Marker numbers start at 1. If a clip has no markers, the value of MarkerCount is zero. The following example tests MarkerCount before displaying a message box with the marker name.

If MediaPlayer1.MarkerCount > 0 Then
  MsgBox "Marker 1 is named " + MediaPlayer.GetMarkerName(1) + "."
End If


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.

See Also

Windows Media Player Methods | Compatibility Modes | Playback Methods and Properties | MarkerCount | CurrentMarker | GetMarkerTime

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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