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IRTCSession::Answer (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method answers an incoming session. It can be called only on a session in the RTCSS_INCOMING state and causes the session to transition into the RTCSS_ANSWERING state.

HRESULT Answer( );



Return Values

This method can return an RTC_E_ constant.

The following table shows additional information about a specific return value.

Value Description
RTC_E_INVALID_SESSION_STATE Session can be answered only in the RTCSS_INCOMING state.


If the application has set IRTCClient::ListenForIncomingSessions, the answer mode is RTCAM_AUTOMATICALLY_ACCEPT for IM (text messaging) and multiparty instant messaging (MIM) sessions, and RTCAM_OFFER_SESSION_EVENT for all other session types.

If the application calls Answer on a session with the answer mode set to automatically accept incoming sessions, it fails with an RTC_E_INVALID_SESSION_STATE error.

If the application has set IRTCClient2::AnswerMode specifying the RTCAM_AUTOMATICALLY_ACCEPT mode for a session type, the application should not call Answer for incoming sessions of that type.

If the application wants to accept only a subset of the available media types for incoming calls, call the IRTCClient::SetPreferredMediaTypes method with the specified media types.

Security Note   This method can send data over the network in unencrypted form. Therefore, someone eavesdropping on the network might be able to read the data. Before using this method in an unencrypted session, consider the security risk of sending the data in clear text. The application can encrypt an RTC session by specifying TLS in the profile used for the session.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Rtccore.h, Rtccore.idl.
Link Library: Uuid.lib.

See Also

IRTCSession | IRTCClient::ListenForIncomingSessions | IRTCClient::SetPreferredMediaTypes | IRTCClient2::AnswerMode | IRTCSession::Terminate

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