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The <UserData> Element

The <UserData> Element

The <UserData> element is required in every answer file. <UserData> can contain the following elements for specifying user settings during Setup. For details on any of these elements, click a name in the list below.

Element Description
ComputerName Specifies the computer name.
FullName Specifies the user's full name. This element is required.
Organization Specifies an organization's name.
ProductKey Specifies the Product Key for each unique installation of Microsoft® Windows®.
AdminPassword Sets the administrator account password. This element is required.

Sample <UserData> Element

   <!--This section contains elements for pre-populating user information and personalizing the user experience-->
   <ComputerName Value="MYCOMPUTER" />
   <FullName Value="Pat Coleman" />
   <Organization Value="Woodgrove Bank" />
   <ProductKey Value="12345-ABCDE-12345-ABCDE-12345" />
   <AdminPassword Value="TG33hY" StrongPassword="No" EncryptedPassword="No" />

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The <ComputerName> Element


    <ComputerName Value="

computer_name is the name of the computer on which the product will be installed.

A valid name:

  • Must have a length of 15 characters or less
  • Must include at least one letter
  • Can include letters (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens
  • Cannot include special characters, spaces, or periods


  <ComputerName Value="MYCOMPUTER" />

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The <FullName> Element


    <FullName Value="
    " />

full_name is the full name of the registered user. The name can be up to 64 characters long, and can include any character supported by the language specified in <UserInterface>.

The <FullName> element is required within each <UserData> element.


  <FullName Value="Pat Coleman" />

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The <Organization> Element


    <Organization Value="
    " />

organization_name is the registered organization. The name can be up to 64 characters long, and can include any character supported by the language specified in <UserInterface>.


  <Organization Value="Woodgrove Bank" />

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The <ProductKey> Element


    <ProductKey Value="
    " />

"xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" is the 25-character code that appears on the yellow sticker on the back of your Windows CD holder. Each x is either an alphabetic character or a number. The hyphens are required.


  <ProductKey Value="12345-ABCDE-12345-ABCDE-12345" />

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The <AdminPassword> Element


    <AdminPassword Value="
    " StrongPassword="
    " EncryptedPassword="

password is required. password is case-sensitive and may contain as many as 127 characters.

StrongPassword="Yes " forces the user to enter a strong password. A strong password:

  • Does not contain the user name.
  • Is at least six characters long.
  • Contains characters from three of the following four groups:
Description Examples
Lowercase letters a, b, c,...
Uppercase letters A, B, C,...
Numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Symbols (all characters not defined as letters or numerals) ` ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + -={ } | [ ] \ : " ; ' < > ? , . /

StrongPassword="No" allows a weak password.

EncryptedPassword="Yes" means the password has been obfuscated; EncryptedPassword="No" means it has not. Always set EncryptedPassword="No" unless you are using an obfuscated password.

The <AdminPassword> element is required in each <UserData> element.


  <AdminPassword Value="TG33hY" StrongPassword="No" />

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