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PCI_RSRC (Windows CE 5.0)

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This structure describes a single PCI resource, either memory or I/O. It is part of a linked list of PCI resources.

typedef struct _PCI_RSRC {DWORD Bus;DWORD Device;DWORD Function;DWORD Offset;DWORD Base;DWORD Size;BOOL Bridge;DWORD SecBus;BOOL Placed;PPCI_CFG_INFO ConfigInfo;struct _PCI_RSRC* Next;struct _PCI_RSRC* Prev;} PCI_RSRC, *PPCI_RSRC;


  • Bus
    PCI device bus number.
  • Device
    PCI device number.
  • Function
    PCI function number.
  • Offset
    Offset of base address register or register that implements the decoder or size information for the resource.
  • Base
    Base address of resource.
  • Size
    Size of resource in bytes.
  • Bridge
    TRUE if device is a PCI-PCI bridge.
  • SecBus
    Secondary bus number value. Used only if this device is a PCI-to-PCI bridge.
  • Placed
    TRUE if the device was previously allocated resources and active.
  • ConfigInfo
    Information about the configuration routine's DLL and entry point.
  • Next
    Pointer to next PCI_RSRC structure in linked list.
  • Prev
    Pointer to previous PCI_RSRC structure in linked list.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: PCIrsrc.h.

See Also

ConfigRsrc | DeviceConfig

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