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Secure Digital Card Driver Enumerations (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the secure digital (SD) card driver enumerations.

Programming element Description
SD_FS_TYPE This enumerated type describes the type of file system present on an SD Memory card. This information is part of the card's CSD register.
SD_INTERFACE_MODE This enumerated type describes the physical interface to an SD card.
SD_IO_TRANSFER_TYPE This enumerated type specifies if an I/O operation will read or write the register of an SD card.
SD_RESPONSE_TYPE This enumerated type specifies the type of response expected from a Bus Request.
SD_TRANSFER_CLASS This enumerated type specifies whether a bus request will read data, write data, or send a command to an SD card.
SDCARD_DEVICE_TYPE This enumerated type describes the SD device type.

See Also

Secure Digital Card Driver Reference

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