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Secure Digital Card Driver Macros (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the secure digital (SD) card driver macros.

Programming element Description
BUILD_IO_RW_DIRECT_ARG This macro builds a 32-bit argument for a direct I/O operation.
BUILD_IO_RW_EXTENDED_ARG This macro builds a 32-bit argument for an extended I/O operation.
SD_BUS_REQUEST_RESPONSE This macro returns the command response field of a bus request.
SD_BUS_REQUEST_STATUS This macro returns the API status for a completed bus request.
SD_DEBUG_INSTANTIATE_ZONES This macro instantiates the global debug zone structure with the name of the module, the initial zone mask ulZoneMask, and the names of zone slots 0 through 10.

See Also

Secure Digital Card Driver Reference

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