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Tutorial Step 7: Creating and Building an Application for the CEPC

In this step, you create a simple application using Platform Builder.

To create and build an application for the CEPC

  1. From the File menu, choose New Project or File.

  2. Choose the Projects tab, and then select WCE Application.

  3. In the Project name box, type Hello, and then choose OK.

  4. Choose A typical "Hello World!" application, and then choose Finish.

  5. From the Build menu, choose Build Hello.exe to build the application.

    When the build is complete, in the Build window you see the following message: Hello.exe - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s). To see this message, you may have to jump to the end of the output by pressing the CTRL and END keys simultaneously.

You have successfully created an application by completing this step. You are now ready to run the application on the CEPC.

See Also

Tutorial Step 8: Running the Application on the CEPC | Tutorial Step 6: Localizing the OS Image for the CEPC | Tutorial: Using Platform Builder with a CEPC | Platform Builder Tutorials | Project Creation

 Last updated on Wednesday, April 14, 2004

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