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SmartcardDeleteLink (Windows CE 5.0)

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The SmartcardDeleteLink function deletes links that were created with SmartcardCreateLink.

NTSTATUS SmartcardDeleteLink(LPCWSTR pszFriendlyName);


  • pszFriendlyName
    [in] Points to the name to be removed from the registry.

Return Values

This function returns an NTSTATUS value. Possible values are the following.

Value Description
STATUS_SUCCESS A protocol was successfully selected.
STATUS_NO_MEDIA No card is in the reader.
STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT The request has timed out.
STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The user buffer is not large enough to hold a ULONG.
STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_STATE The reader is not in the correct state to select a protocol. This is the case when a card is inserted, but not reset.
STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST The mask contains an unknown protocol.


Use this function to remove the link to the driver from the registry when a dynamically loaded driver unloads.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.
Header: Smclib.h.

See Also


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