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Internationalization Functions

The following table shows the Intenationalization functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
CompareString This function compares two character strings, using the locale specified by the given identifier as the basis for the comparison.
ConvertDefaultLocale This function converts a special default locale value to an actual locale identifier.
CreateIFEDictionaryInstance This function creates an instance of the IFEDictionary class.
CreateIImeIPointInstance This function creates an instance of the IImeIPoint2 class.
EnumCalendarInfo This function enumerates the calendar information by calling an application-defined callback function.
EnumCalendarInfoProc This function is an application-defined callback function.
EnumCodePagesProc This application-defined callback function is used with the EnumSystemCodePages function.
EnumDateFormats This function enumerates the long or short date formats that are available for a specified locale, including date formats for any alternate calendars.
EnumDateFormatsProc This function is an application-defined callback function. It is called because of a call to the EnumDateFormats function, and receives a pointer to a string buffer that contains a date format string.
EnumLocalesProc This function is an application-defined callback function. It is called because of a call to the EnumSystemLocales function, and receives a pointer to a string buffer that contains a locale identifier.
EnumRegisterWordProc This function is an application-defined callback function used with the ImmEnumRegisterWord function. It is used to process data of register strings.
EnumSystemCodePages This function enumerates the code pages that are either installed on or supported by a system.
EnumSystemLocales This function enumerates the locales that are either installed on or supported by a system.
EnumTimeFormats This function enumerates the time formats that are available for a specified locale.
EnumTimeFormatsProc This function is an application-defined callback function.
EnumUILanguages This function enumerates the UI languages that are available on the system.
EnumUILanguagesProc This function is an application-defined callback function. It is called as a result of a call to the EnumUILanguages function, and receives a pointer to a string buffer containing a UI language identifier.
FoldString This function maps one string to another, performing a specified transformation option.
GetACP This function retrieves the current ANSI code-page identifier for the system.
GetCPInfo This function retrieves information about any valid installed or available code page.
GetCurrencyFormat This function formats a number string as a currency string for a specified locale.
GetDateFormat This function formats a date as a date string for a specified locale.
GetLocaleInfo This function retrieves information about a locale.
GetNumberFormat This function formats a number string as a number string customized for a specified locale.
GetOEMCP This function retrieves the current original equipment manufacturer (OEM) code-page identifier for the system.
GetStringType This function returns character-type information for the characters in the specified source string.
GetStringTypeEx This function returns character-type information for the characters in the specified source string.
GetSystemDefaultLangID This function retrieves the system default language identifier.
GetSystemDefaultLCID This function retrieves the system default locale identifier.
GetSystemDefaultUILanguage This function retrieves the LANGID for the original install language of the system.
GetTimeFormat This function formats a time as a time string for a specified locale.
GetUserDefaultLangID This function retrieves the user-default language identifier.
GetUserDefaultLCID This function retrieves the user-default locale identifier.
GetUserDefaultUILanguage This function retrieves the language identifier (LANGID) for the current user's UI language selection.
HwxALCPriority This function is called by an application to specify which alphabet code (ALC) values the handwriting recognition engine returns first.
HwxALCValid This function defines the set of characters that the character recognition engine can return when it converts ink, which is user-drawn input, to a text string.
HwxConfig This function initializes the handwriting recognition dynamic-link library (DLL).
HwxCreate This function creates a handwriting recognition context (HRC) object.
HwxDestroy This function destroys a handwriting recognition context (HRC) object.
HwxEndInput This function notifies the handwriting recognition engine that no more ink should be added to the handwriting recognition context (HRC) object.
HwxGetResults This function retrieves the handwriting recognition engine results from the specified handwriting recognition context (HRC).
HwxInput This function adds stroke information to the handwriting recognition context (HRC).
HwxProcess This function signals the recognizer to analyze the information in the specified handwriting recognition context (HRC) object.
HwxResultsAvailable This function returns the number of characters that have been processed by the handwriting recognition engine and are available for HwxGetResults to retrieve.
HwxSetAbort This function sets an address that the handwriting recognition engine checks to determine if more user input, or ink, is available.
HwxSetContext This function specifies to the handwriting recognition context (HRC) which character the user previously entered.
HwxSetGuide This function points to a structure that specifies the size and position on a screen of input boxes, which collect characters drawn by a user.
HwxSetPartial This function enables partial recognition for the handwriting recognition engine.
ImeGetUIClassName This function is called by the Chinese Pocket Input Method Editor (IME) to load the user interface (UI) module.
ImmAssociateContext This function associates the specified input context with the specified window.
ImmAssociateContextEx This function changes the association between the input method context and the specified window or its children.
ImmConfigureIME This function displays the configuration dialog box for the IME.
ImmCreateContext This function creates a new input context, allocating memory for the context and initializing it.
ImmCreateIMCC This function enables an input method editor (IME) to create a new input method context (IMC) component that is a member of an IMC.
ImmDestroyContext This function releases the input context and frees any memory associated with it.
ImmDestroyIMCC This function enables an input method editor (IME) to destroy an input method context (IMC) component that is a member of an IMC.
ImmDisableIME This function disables the input method editor (IME) for the current thread.
ImmEnumRegisterWord This function enumerates the register strings having the specified reading string, style, and register string.
ImmEscape This function carries out IME-specific subfunctions and is used mainly for locale-specific functions.
ImmGenerateMessage This function enables an input method editor (IME) to generate messages that are sent to the window associated with the input method context (IMC).
ImmGetCandidateList This function retrieves a specified candidate list, copying the list to the specified buffer.
ImmGetCandidateListCount This function retrieves the size, in bytes, of the candidate lists.
ImmGetCandidateWindow This function gets information about the candidate list window.
ImmGetCompositionFont This function retrieves information about the logical font currently used to display characters in the composition window.
ImmGetCompositionString This function retrieves information about the composition string.
ImmGetCompositionWindow This function gets information about the composition window.
ImmGetContext This function retrieves the input context associated with the specified window.
ImmGetConversionList This function retrieves the list of characters or words from one character or word.
ImmGetConversionStatus This function gets the current conversion status.
ImmGetConversionStatusForeground This function retrieves the current IME conversion and sentences modes for the foreground thread.
ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd This function gets the default window handle to the IME class.
ImmGetDescription This function copies the description of the IME to the specified buffer.
ImmGetGuideLine This function gets information about errors. Applications use the information to notify users.
ImmGetHotKey This function retrieves the value of the input method editor (IME) hot key.
ImmGetIMCCLockCount This function enables an input method editor (IME) to get the lock count of the input method context (IMC) component.
ImmGetIMCCSize This function enables an input method editor (IME) to get the size of the input method context (IMC) component.
ImmGetIMCLockCount This function enables an input method editor (IME) to get the lock count of the input method context (IMC).
ImmGetIMEFileName This function gets the file name of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout.
ImmGetImeMenuItems This function retrieves the menu items that are registered in the IME menu.
ImmGetOpenStatus This function checks whether the IME is open or closed.
ImmGetProperty This function gets the property and capabilities of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout.
ImmGetRegisterWordStyle This function gets a list of the styles support by the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout.
ImmGetStatusWindowPos This function gets the position of the status window.
ImmGetVirtualKey This function recovers the original virtual-key value associated with a key input message that has already been processed by the IME.
ImmIsIME This function checks whether the specified handle identifies an IME.
ImmIsUIMessage This function checks for messages intended for the IME window and sends those messages to the specified window.
ImmLockIMC This function enables an input method editor (IME) to access the INPUTCONTEXT structure for an input method context (IMC) by returning a pointer to the structure.
ImmLockIMCC This function enables an input method editor (IME) to get a pointer to an input method context (IMC) component that can be a member of the IMC.
ImmNotifyIME This function notifies the IME about changes to the status of the input context.
ImmRegisterWord This function registers a string into the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout.
ImmReleaseContext This function releases the input context and unlocks the memory associated in the context.
ImmReSizeIMCC This function changes the size of an input method context (IMC) component.
ImmSetCandidateWindow This function sets information about the candidate list window.
ImmSetCompositionFont This function sets the logical font to be used to display characters in the composition window.
ImmSetCompositionString This function sets the characters, attributes, and clauses of the composition and reading strings.
ImmSetCompositionWindow This function sets the position of the composition window.
ImmSetConversionStatus This function sets the current conversion status.
ImmSetHotKey This function is called by the IME control panel application to set the value of the input method editor (IME) hot key.
ImmSetOpenStatus This function opens or closes the IME.
ImmSetStatusWindowPos This function sets the position of the status window.
ImmSimulateHotKey This function simulates the specified IME hot key, causing the same response as if the user had pressed the hot key in the specified window.
ImmSIPanelState This function performs operations relating to the input panel. It gets or sets state information, and communicates the caller's input attributes to the system.
ImmUnlockIMC This function reduces the lock count for the input method context (IMC).
ImmUnlockIMCC This function reduces the lock count for the input method context (IMC) component.
ImmUnregisterWord This function removes a register string from the dictionary of the IME associated with the specified keyboard layout.
IsValidCodePage This function determines whether a specified code page is valid.
IsValidLocale This function applies a validity test to a locale identifier.
LCMapString This function maps one character string to another, performing a specified locale-dependent transformation.
SetLocaleInfo This function sets an item of locale information
SetUserDefaultLCID This function sets the locale identifier (LCID) for the current user's locale selection.
SetUserDefaultUILanguage This function sets the LANGID for the current user's UI language selection.

 Last updated on Friday, April 09, 2004

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