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Web Server (HTTPD) Overview

The Web Server (HTTPD) feature for Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET enables you to monitor, configure, and remotely control a device or computer through the use of a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. The Web server provides this service for network printers, scanners, and other shared equipment.

The Web server implements a subset of the HTTP/1.0 protocol and allows connections to be maintained through keep-alive functionality. All configurations provide file downloads, multiple virtual paths, and simultaneous connections. You can include additional components in your OS configuration to add support for authentication, Internet Server Application Program Interface (ISAPI) extensions, ISAPI filters, and/or active server pages (ASP). The Web server is loaded by Services.exe at system startup.

Feature Summary

The following table shows operating system design information for Web Server (HTTPD).

Element Information
Dependencies Core Server Support (Services)
Hardware considerations None

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement Web Server (HTTPD).

Item Module Component
Web Server (HTTPD) httpd httpasp, httpauth, httpd, httpdav, httpextn, httpfilt, httpisapi, httpparse
Active Server Pages (ASP) Support asp aspcolct, aspparse

Operating System Development Topics

Web Server Implementation Considerations

How to Configure the Web Server

Application Development Topics

Web Server (HTTPD)

ISAPI Extensions, Filters, and Script Mapping


Web Server Security

Web Server Registry Settings

See Also

Windows CE Modules and Components | Catalog Features | Active Server Pages | JScript 5.5

 Last updated on Friday, April 09, 2004

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