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Applications Overview

The Applications features for Microsoft® Windows® CE .NET provide applications for users, such as communication applications, word processing applications, and games.

The following table shows the Applications features.

Feature Description
CAB File Installer/Uninstaller An application to install and uninstall CAB files.
File Viewers Applications that allow you to view common Microsoft Office file types and also PDF files.
FLASH Update Sample Application A sample application that demonstrates how to flash an upgrade onto a device.
FreeCell The FreeCell solitaire game for Windows CE.
Help The Windows CE HTML-based Help system application.
Inbox The Windows CE-based e-mail application.
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Native presentation protocol for Microsoft Windows NT® Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition, and for Microsoft Windows 2000 Terminal Services.
Solitaire The standard solitaire game for Windows CE.
Terminal Emulator The terminal emulation application.
Voice over IP Phone Application An application for conducting voice communication over a computer network.
Windows Messenger A client application that combines real–time voice and text communications, application sharing, whiteboard sharing, and file transfer capability.
WordPad The Windows CE–based word processing application.

Feature Summary

The following table shows operating system design information for the Applications features.

Element Information
Dependencies The FLASH Update Sample Application feature requires the Windows Internet Services feature or httplite, which is a stripped down version of Windows Internet Services intended for devices that have resource limitations. Help requires the Dial-up Networking (RAS/PPP) and Pocket Internet Explorer HTML View (WEBVIEW) features. Inbox requires the Dial-up Networking (RAS/PPP) and Printing features. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) requires the Active Template Library (ATL) for Windows CE feature. Terminal Emulator requires the Dial-up Networking (RAS/PPP) and Terminal Control features. Windows Messenger requires the Dial-up Networking (RAS/PPP), Communications Service Client API (RTCClient), C++ Exception Handling (SEH), and Run-Time Type Information features. WordPad requires the Symbol and Times New Roman (Subset 1_30) font features and the Printing feature.
Hardware considerations Features that require Dial-up Networking (RAS/PPP) require a modem and/or network interface card. Features that require Printing require a printer.

Modules and Components

The following table shows the components and modules that implement the Applications features.

Item Module Component
CAB File Installer/Uninstaller wceload, unload None
FLASH Update Sample Application ftpupdate None
FreeCell freecell, hrts_dll, pegcards None
Solitaire solitare, pegcards None
Help htmlview, peghelp None
Inbox pmail, imap4, smtp, mailutil, pimprint, msgstore, uicom, tnefutil, tnefu, tnefex, labledit, office, riched20 None
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) cetsc, mstscax, wbtprncpl, wbtprnwiz, prnprxy None
Terminal Emulator pegterm None
Voice over IP Phone Application voipui None
Windows Messenger msmsgs, msgslang, ieceext, rtcimsp, riched20, lpcd, lpcrt None
WordPad pword, pwd_res, pwwiff, office, riched20 None

Operating System Development Topics

Applications Implementation Considerations

Windows Messenger Overview

Application Development Topics

Internet Explorer 6.0

Remote Desktop Protocol

See Also

Dial-up Networking Overview | Fonts Overview | Internet Explorer 6.0 Overview | Printing Overview | Communications Service Overview | Windows Internet Services Overview

 Last updated on Friday, April 09, 2004

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