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Adding an Existing Project to a Platform

After you have created a platform, you can add existing projects to your platform in the IDE. For more information, see Project Creation.

To add an existing project to a platform

  1. From the Platform menu, choose Insert, and then choose User Feature.

  2. In the Insert User Feature dialog box, browse to locate a file for the project that you want to add. You can select a Platform Builder project file (.pbp), a dirs file, sources file, makefile (.mak) file, or prebuilt file.

    If the .pbp file is under source code control, click the Source Control button to locate it, and then select the file. For more information about accessing source code control menu commands, see Source Code Control.

  3. Choose OK.

  4. Verify that the project you have added appears in the FeatureView window.

See Also

How to Use the IDE to Create, Customize, and Build a Platform | Additions to a Platform | Project Additions to a Platform

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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