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Downloading an OS Image to a Target Device

  • From the Target menu, choose Download/Initialize.

    A KITL warning dialog box may appear. For more information about KITL, press F1 when the warning appears.

    **Note   **You may have to reset the target device before the download can begin.

    If you have not configured a connection to the target device, the Configure Remote Connection dialog box appears. You must configure a connection to the target device before you can download an OS image. For information about configuring a connection to a target device, see Configuring a Connection for Downloading and Debugging.

    A dialog box displays a progress indicator for the download.

See Also

CEPC How-to Topics | How to Add a Media File to an Operating System | How to Use Remote Call Profiler to Find Performance Problems | How to Use Remote Performance Monitor to Observe Performance | Configuring a Connection for Downloading and Debugging | KITL Transport | OS Image Download Messages | How to Implement a Control Panel Application | How to Customize the Appearance of Common Controls | How to Profile and Optimize a Display Driver | How to Develop a File System Filter | How to Develop a Flash Media Driver

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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