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This structure contains additional information on the requested binding operation. The meaning of this structure is specific to the type of asynchronous moniker.

typedef struct _tagBINDINFO {
  ULONG cbSize;
  LPWSTR szExtraInfo;
  STGMEDIUM stgmedData;
  DWORD grfBindInfoF;
  DWORD dwBindVerb;
  LPWSTR szCustomVerb;
  DWORD cbStgmedData;
  DWORD dwOptions;
  DWORD dwOptionsFlags;
  DWORD dwCodePage;
  SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes;
  IID iid;
  IUnknown* pUnk;
  DWORD dwReserved;


  • cbSize
    Size of the structure, in bytes.
  • szExtraInfo
    Behavior of this member is moniker-specific. For URL monikers, this string is appended to the URL when the bind operation is started. Like other OLE strings, this value is a Unicode string that the client should allocate using CoTaskMemAlloc. The URL moniker frees the memory later.
  • stgmedData
    Data to be used in a PUT or POST operation specified by the dwBindVerb member.
  • grfBindInfoF
    Flag from the BINDINFOF enumeration that determines the use of URL encoding during the binding operation. This member is specific to URL monikers.
  • dwBindVerb
    Value from the BINDVERB enumeration specifying an action to be performed during the bind operation.
  • szCustomVerb
    BSTR specifying a protocol-specific custom action to be performed during the bind operation, only if dwBindVerb is set to BINDVERB_CUSTOM.
  • cbStgmedData
    Size of the data provided in the stgmedData member.
  • dwOptions
    Reserved. Must be set to 0.
  • dwOptionsFlags
    Reserved. Must be set to 0.
  • dwCodePage
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the code page used to perform the conversion. This can be one of the values shown in the following table.
    Value Description
    CP_ACP ANSI code page.
    CP_MACCP Macintosh code page.
    CP_OEMCP OEM code page.
    CP_SYMBOL Symbol code page (42).
    CP_THREAD_ACP Current thread's ANSI code page.
    CP_UTF7 Translate using UTF-7.
    CP_UTF8 Translate using UTF-8.
  • securityAttributes
    SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that contains the descriptor for the object being bound to and indicates whether the handle retrieved by specifying this structure is inheritable.
  • iid
    Interface identifier of the IUnknown interface referred to by pUnk.
  • pUnk
    Pointer to the IUnknown interface.
  • dwReserved
    Reserved. Must be set to 0.


OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later.
Header: Objidl.h, Objidl.idl.

 Last updated on Saturday, April 10, 2004

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