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Project Management

Platform Builder enables you to view and change the contents of a project. In the Workspace window, the FileView, ClassView, and ResourceView windows display the details of the project. Each window is hierarchical. You can expand the folders and other items in the windows to display their contents or collapse them to display their organization.

The following table shows the types of projects that are available.

Project type Description
Top-level project A project that is not a dependency or subproject of any other project.
Subproject A project that has a dependency relationship with another project. The build system determines if it needs to build the subproject before it builds the project that contains it. Any project can be a subproject of any other project.

The FileView window shows relationships among the projects and files that are included in Project view. The relationships in the FileView window are logical relationships, not physical relationships, and do not reflect the organization of files on your hard disk.

The relationships of the source files and the dependent files that are used to build all configurations for the project are also shown. The active project in the workspace is indicated in the FileView window by bold type. Platform Builder provides the following options for managing projects:

  • You can add a file to the project by dragging it from the External Dependencies folder, if available, to any of the project folders or to any top-level project node. The External Dependencies folder lists files that are not part of the project but are needed to build the project. You can also add a file by selecting Insert on the Project menu, and then choosing Files.
  • You can insert new or existing projects into your workspace and delete existing projects from the workspace.
  • You can delete specific configurations for a project without removing the entire project.
  • You can load a .mak file into Platform Builder as a project.

See Also

Displaying the Workspace Window | Hiding the Workspace Window | Deleting a Project from the Platform | Deleting a Configuration from a Project

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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