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This property contains the state of readiness of the Windows Media Player control.

Compatibility: Windows Media Player, ActiveMovie

[ lState = ] MediaPlayer.ReadyState


  • lState
    Long value specifying the state of readiness of the Windows Media Player control. It can have one of the following possible values.
    Value Visual Basic constant Description
    0 MpReadyStateUninitialized The FileName property has not been initialized.
    1 MpReadyStateLoading Windows Media Player control is asynchronously loading a file.
    3 MpReadyStateInteractive Windows Media Player control loaded a file, and downloaded enough data to play the file, but has not yet received all data.
    4 MpReadyStateComplete All data has been downloaded.


This property is read-only.

This property does not behave properly, and is provided for desktop compatibility only. ReadyState will always give a value of 4.

ActiveMovie compatibility mode is only supported through Windows CE .NET 4.1.


OS Versions: Windows CE 3.0 and later.

See Also

Windows Media Player Properties | Compatibility Modes

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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