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Call Stack Window (Windows CE 5.0)

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During a debug session, the Call Stack window displays the active stack of function calls. When a function is called, it is pushed onto the stack. When the function returns, it is popped off the stack.

The Call Stack window displays the executing function at the top of the stack, followed by older function calls on the lines below that.

By default, the window also displays parameter types and values for each function call.

You can use the shortcut menu or the Debug tab of the Options dialog box to display or hide parameter types and values.

You can navigate the function source code or disassembled object code by double-clicking the function in the Call Stack window.

If source code for the selected function is not available, the function object code appears in the Disassembly window.

Navigating to the function code changes the view of the program shown in the Variables window and in other debugger windows, but does not change the next line of execution nor the value stored in the program counter.

Note   Do not attempt to debug a release build of the OS with optimized code. Doing so can cause the contents of the Call Stack window to become corrupted.

The following list shows the elements of the Call Stack window.

  • Process
    Displays the process associated with the call stack.

    You can navigate to a different process by pressing the down-arrow and then selecting the new process from the drop-down list. If you select Current, the call stack for the current process and current thread appears.

    The Current process is the process that is active when the debugger stops or hits a breakpoint, which refreshes the window with new information. Stepping works only for the current process or thread.

  • Thread
    Displays the thread that the call stack is for. You can navigate to a different thread by pressing the down-arrow and then selecting the new thread from the dropdown list.

    If you select Current, the call stack for the current thread appears, which refreshes the window with new information. Stepping works only for the current process or thread.

  • Shortcut menu
    Right-click the window to bring up a menu.

    The following table shows the shortcut functions available.

    Icon Item Description
    ms934288.refreshicon(en-us,MSDN.10).gif Refresh Deletes all entries in the window, allowing only current entries to appear.
    ms934288.log(en-us,MSDN.10).gif Log Formats and copies all current data in this window to the Log tab of the Output window.
    ms934288.autolog(en-us,MSDN.10).gif Auto Log on Step Automatically copies the data in this window to the Output window after each debugging step. Click to turn on or off, if it is on.
    No icon Go To Code Opens the source window at the selected function.
    ms934288.insrtbpt(en-us,MSDN.10).gif Insert/Remove Breakpoint Inserts a breakpoint at the line where the cursor is in the Disassembly window.

    If a breakpoint exists at that line, it is removed.

    ms934288.enablbpt(en-us,MSDN.10).gif Enable Breakpoint Enables a formerly inactive breakpoint.
    ms934288.rncursor(en-us,MSDN.10).gif Run to Cursor Runs to the cursor and then breaks.
    No icon Parameter Values Displays the values of parameters in the Call Stack window.
    No icon Parameter Types Displays the types of parameters in the Call Stack Window.
    No icon Hexadecimal Display Changes the selected values to hexadecimal.
    No icon Docking View Select to switch the active window from docking to nondocking mode.

    A check mark appears if the window is in docking mode.

    When a window is in docking mode, it can be docked to the border of the main Platform Builder window or, by pressing the CTRL key and clicking on the frame of the window, it can be changed to a floating window.

    This floating window can be moved outside the main Platform Builder window and can be redocked at any time.

    If the window is in nondocking mode, it appears inside the main Platform Builder window and cannot be docked.

    No icon Hide Hides the active window.

See Also

Viewing the Call Stack for a Function | Changing Call Stack Window Options

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