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Cryptography Structures (Windows CE 5.0)

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The following table shows the Cryptography structures with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
BLOB (Cryptography) This structure is used for an arbitrary array of bytes.
CERT_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION This structure contains one instance of information on how to access certification authority (CA) information and services for the issuer of the certificate in which the CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS extension appears.
CERT_ALT_NAME_ENTRY This structure contains an alternative name in one of a variety of name forms.
CERT_ALT_NAME_INFO This structure is used in encoding and decoding extensions for subject or issuer certificates.
CERT_AUTHORITY_INFO_ACCESS This structure appears as a certificate extension and indicates how to access certification authority (CA) information and services for the issuer of that certificate.
CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID_INFO This structure identifies the key used to sign a certificate.
CERT_AUTHORITY_KEY_ID2_INFO This structure identifies the key used to sign a certificate.
CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS_INFO This structure contains information indicating whether the certified subject can act as a certification authority (CA), an end entity, or both.
CERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO This structure contains information indicating whether the certified subject can act as a certification authority (CA) or an end entity.
CERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT This structure contains an array of simple certificate chains and a trust status structure that indicates summary validity data on all of the connected simple chains.
CERT_CHAIN_ELEMENT This structure is a single element in a simple certificate chain.
CERT_CHAIN_ENGINE_CONFIG This structure sets parameters for building a non-default certificate chain engine.
CERT_CHAIN_PARA This structure establishes the searching and matching criteria that are used to build a certificate chain.
CERT_CONTEXT This structure contains both the encoded and decoded representations of a certificate.
CERT_EXTENSION This structure contains the extension information for a certificate.
CERT_ID This structure is a flexible means of uniquely identifying a certificate.
CERT_INFO This structure contains the certificate information.
CERT_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER This structure acts as a unique identifier of a certificate containing the issuer and issuer's serial number for a certificate.
CERT_KEY_ATTRIBUTES_INFO This structure contains optional additional information about the public key being certified.
CERT_KEY_CONTEXT This structure contains data for the pvData member of a Value member of the CERT_EXTENSION structure associated with a CERT_KEY_CONTEXT_PROP_ID property.
CERT_KEY_USAGE_RESTRICTION_INFO This structure contains restrictions imposed on the usage of a certificate's public key.
CERT_KEYGEN_REQUEST_INFO This structure contains information stored in a Keygen request.
CERT_NAME_INFO This structure contains subject or issuer names.
CERT_POLICIES_INFO This structure contains an array of the CERT_POLICY_INFO structure.
CERT_POLICY_ID This structure contains a list of certificate policies that the certificate expressly supports, together with optional qualifier information pertaining to these policies.
CERT_POLICY_INFO This structure contains an object identifier specifying a policy and an optional array of policy qualifiers.
CERT_POLICY_QUALIFIER_INFO This structure contains an object identifier specifying the qualifier and qualifier-specific supplemental information.
CERT_PRIVATE_KEY_VALIDITY This structure indicates a valid time span for the private key corresponding to a certificate's public key.
CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO This structure contains a public key and its algorithm.
CERT_RDN This structure contains a relative distinguished name (RDN) consisting of an array of CERT_RDN_ATTR structures.
CERT_RDN_ATTR This structure contains a single attribute of a relative distinguished name (RDN).
CERT_REQUEST_INFO This structure contains information for a certificate request.
CERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO This structure contains encoded content to be signed and a BLOB (Cryptography) structure to hold the signature.
CERT_SIMPLE_CHAIN This structure contains an array of chain elements and a summary trust status for the chain that the array represents.
CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_INFO This structure contains information used by functions that work with system stores.
CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_PARA This structure contains data to be passed to the CertOpenStore function when that function's dwFlags parameter is set to CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_RELOCATE_FLAG.
CERT_TRUST_LIST_INFO This structure indicates a valid usage of a CTL.
CERT_TRUST_STATUS This structure contains trust information about a certificate in a certificate chain, summary trust information about a simple chain of certificates, or summary information about an array of simple chains.
CERT_USAGE_MATCH This structure provides parameters for finding issuer certificates used to build a certificate chain.
CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO This structure is used with the CryptMsgGetParam function to get information about a key transport, key agreement, or mail list envelope message recipient.
CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO This structure contains the content of the defined SignerInfo in signed or in signed and enveloped messages.
CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARA This structure is used to add an unauthenticated attribute to a signer of a signed message.
CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT_PARA This structure contains information used to decrypt an enveloped message for a key transport recipient.
CMSG_CTRL_DEL_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARA This structure is used to delete an unauthenticated attribute of a signer of a signed message.
CMSG_CTRL_KEY_AGREE_DECRYPT_PARA This structure contains information about a key agreement recipient.
CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX_PARA This structure contains information that is used to verify a message signature. It contains the signer index and signer public key.
CMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO This structure contains information that is needed to encode an enveloped message.
CMSG_HASHED_ENCODE_INFO This structure is used with hashed messages.
CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_INFO This structure contains information that is used in key transport algorithms.
CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_INFO This structure contains information that is used for previously distributed symmetric key-encryption keys (KEK).
CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO This structure contains information to be passed to CryptMsgOpenToEncode if dwMsgType is CMSG_SIGNED.
CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO This structure contains signer information.
CMSG_SIGNER_INFO This structure contains the content of the PKCS #7 defined SignerInfo in signed messages.
CMSG_STREAM_INFO This structure is used to enable processing stream data rather than single block processing.
CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER This structure specifies an algorithm.
CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE This structure specifies an attribute having one or more values.
CRYPT_ATTRIBUTES This structure contains an array of attributes.
CRYPT_BIT_BLOB This structure contains an array of bytes.
CRYPT_ENCODE_PARA This structure provides access to memory allocation and memory freeing callback functions.
CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO This structure contains fields that are passed as arguments to the CryptAcquireContext function to acquire a handle to a particular key container within a particular cryptographic service provider (CSP) or to create or destroy a key container.
CRYPT_KEY_PROV_PARAM This structure contains data to be passed as the arguments to the CryptSetProvParam function.
CRYPT_OID_FUNC_ENTRY This structure contains an OID and a pointer to its related function.
CRYPT_OID_INFO This structure contains information about an object identifier (OID).
CRYPTOAPI_BLOB This structure is used for an arbitrary array of bytes. It provides flexibility for objects that can contain various data types.
CTL_USAGE This structure contains an array of object identifiers (OIDs) for certificate trust list (CTL) extensions.
HMAC_INFO This structure specifies the hash algorithm and the inner and outer strings that are to be used to calculate the HMAC hash.
PROV_ENUMALGS This structure holds information on the algorithms supported by a CSP.
PROV_ENUMALGS_EX This structure holds information on the algorithms supported by a CSP.
PUBLICKEYSTRUC This structure, also known as the BLOBHEADER structure, indicates a key's BLOB (Cryptography) type and the algorithm that the key uses.
RSAPUBKEY This structure contains information specific to the particular public key contained in the key BLOB.
VTableProvStruc This structure contains pointers to callback functions that can be used by CSP functions.

See Also

Cryptography Reference

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