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OpenFlags Enumeration

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Specifies the way to open the X.509 certificate store.

This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute attribute that allows a bitwise combination of its member values.

Namespace:  System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
Assembly:  System.Security (in System.Security.dll)


<FlagsAttribute> _
Public Enumeration OpenFlags
public enum OpenFlags
public enum class OpenFlags
type OpenFlags
public enum OpenFlags


Member name Description
ReadOnly Open the X.509 certificate store for reading only.
ReadWrite Open the X.509 certificate store for both reading and writing.
MaxAllowed Open the X.509 certificate store for the highest access allowed.
OpenExistingOnly Opens only existing stores; if no store exists, the Open method will not create a new store.
IncludeArchived Open the X.509 certificate store and include archived certificates.


The ReadOnly, ReadWrite, and MaxAllowed flags are mutually exclusive. The OpenExistingOnly flag is the only flag that does not require the CreateStore permission to be granted.

See Also


System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates Namespace