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Warning  The Cellular COM API is deprecated in Windows 10. This content is provided to support maintenance of OEM and mobile operator created Windows Phone 8.1 applications.


The OnOpaqueModemNotifications routine is called by the modem when an unsolicited modem opaque command has completed.


HRESULT OnOpaqueModemNotifications(
    DWORD dwCode,
    BYTE* pOpaqueNotification,
    DWORD cbSize);


  • dwCode
    [in] An OEM-defined RILNOTIFICATIONS value indicating the type of notification being performed

  • pOpaqueNotification
    [in] Pointer to the OEM-defined notification data

  • cbSize
    [in] Size of pOpaqueNotification in bytes.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful



The value for the OEM-defined RILNOTIFICATIONS dwCode must be less than RIL_NOTIFY_OEM_MAX. RIL_NOTIFY_* notifications are not propagated to the calling application unless the dwCode value is less than RIL_NOTIFY_OEM_MAX. RIL_NOTIFY_OEM_MAX is defined in RILNOTIFICATIONS.


Header: Generated from CellularAPI_OEM.idl



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