IStillImageW::RegisterLaunchApplication method (sti.h)

The IStillImage::RegisterLaunchApplication method adds an application to the still image event monitor's list of push-model aware applications.


HRESULT RegisterLaunchApplication(
  [in] LPWSTR pwszAppName,
  [in] LPWSTR pwszCommandLine


[in] pwszAppName

Caller-supplied pointer to a string representing the application's "short name", which Scanners and Cameras Control Panel's property sheet will display.

[in] pwszCommandLine

Caller-supplied pointer to a string representing the command line required to start the application, including the full path to the application's executable file. The current path can be obtained by calling GetModuleFileName (described in the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation). For more information, see the following Remarks section.

Return value

If the operation succeeds, the method returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns one of the STIERR-prefixed error codes defined in stierr.h.


An application (or the application's installer) must call IStillImage::RegisterLaunchApplication so the still image event monitor will know of its existence. Users associate Still Image Device Events with registered applications by using Control Panel's property sheet interface. After a user has associated a device event with the application, the event monitor will start the application when the event occurs.

The method writes the application's load path in the registry. Therefore, the method should be called each time the application runs, because the user might have moved the file and GetModuleFileName always returns the current file location.

You can include command arguments in the application's command line. When starting a registered application, the event monitor appends the following two arguments to the command line:

Command line argument Description
**/StiDevice:**InternalDeviceName InternalDeviceName is the internal device name of the device for which the application is being started.
**/StiEvent:**EventGUID EventGUID is the string representation of the GUID for the device event that has occurred.

The application can obtain the values specified for these arguments by calling IStillImage::GetSTILaunchInformation.

Before calling IStillImage::RegisterLaunchApplication, clients of the IStillImage COM interface must call IStillImage::StiCreateInstance to obtain an IStillImage interface pointer.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header sti.h (include Sti.h)