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IDSFSystemDevice::LegacyBusType Property

The LegacyBusType property gets or sets the bus type for a device, such as PCIBus or PCMCIABus.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT put_LegacyBusType(
  [in]           DSFInterfaceType BusType

HRESULT get_LegacyBusType(
  [out, retval]  DSFInterfaceType *pBusType

Property Value

The bus type for the device.

Error Codes

LegacyBusType returns S_OK if the operation succeeds or E_POINTER if the pBusType parameter is not a valid pointer.


The LegacyBusType property is reserved for future use and is included for completeness.

The following VBScript code example shows how to set and get the LegacyBusType property.

' Create a USB device
Dim USBDevice : Set USBDevice = CreateObject("SOFTUSB.SoftUSBDevice")

' Get the DSFDevice object from the USB device
Dim DSFDevice  : Set DSFDevice = USBDevice.DSFDevice

' Get the LegacyBusType property
Dim LegacyBusType
LegacyBusType = DSFDevice.LegacyBusType

' If LegacyBusType is not PCI, set it to PCI
If LegacyBusType <> DSFInterfaceTypePCIBus Then
 DSFDevice.LegacyBusType= DSFInterfaceTypePCIBus;
End If

See Also





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Build date: 9/21/2010