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Updating the MiniportInitialize Function for NDIS 6.0

In NDIS 6.0, the MiniportInitializeEx function replaces the MiniportInitialize function. MiniportInitializeEx initializes an adapter for network I/O operations. NDIS passes MiniportInitializeEx an NDIS_MINIPORT_INIT_PARAMETERS structure. For more information about MiniportInitializeEx and this structure, see Initializing an Adapter.

The following standard INF keywords are mandatory for connectionless NDIS 6.0 and later miniport drivers:

  • *IfType

  • *MediaType

  • *PhysicalMediaType

If the mandatory keywords are missing from the driver's INF file, NDIS does not call the miniport driver's MiniportInitializeEx function.

The MiniportInitializeEx function must: