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Unattend to Windows Provisioning settings map

This topic shows the Windows 10 for desktop editions (Home, Pro, Enterprise, and Education) Unattend components and settings (which are configurable in Windows System Image Manager) and their equivalent Windows Provisioning setting group and setting name (which are configurable in Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer).


Due to the design change in Windows 10, settings marked N/A are not supported when using the Windows Provisioning framework or Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (ICD).



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- EnableCaptureMonitor /Audio/EnableCaptureMonitor



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- EnableVolumeControlWhileLocked /Audio/EnableVolumeControlWhileLocked



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DescriptionText1 N/A
- DescriptionText2 N/A
- EnableOnlineBackup N/A
- Icon N/A
- Link1 N/A
- Link1Text N/A
- Link2 N/A
- Link2Text N/A
- ProviderName N/A
- ResourceDll N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- MaintainServerList /Domain/MaintainServerList



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- CameraSoundLevel /Audio/CameraSoundLevel
- NoPhysicalCameraLED /Camera/NoPhysicalLED



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- AuditComputerName N/A
-- MustReboot N/A
-- Name N/A
- DeviceForm /DeviceFormFactor/DeviceForm
- DuplicatorDescription /Setup/DuplicatorDescription
- ExtendOSPartition N/A
-- Extend N/A
-- Size N/A
- Generalize N/A
-- ForceShutdownNow N/A
-- Mode N/A
- Reseal N/A
-- ForceShutdownNow N/A
-- Mode N/A
- RunAsynchronous N/A
-- RunAsynchronousCommand N/A
--- Credentials N/A
---- Domain N/A
---- Password N/A
---- Username N/A
--- Description N/A
--- Order N/A
--- Path N/A
- RunSynchronous N/A
-- RunSynchronousCommand N/A
--- Credentials N/A
---- Domain N/A
---- Password N/A
---- Username N/A
--- Description N/A
--- Order N/A
--- Path N/A
--- WillReboot N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- SetRegionSpecificPrivacyAccessPolicy /CountryAndRegion/CountryCodeForExtendedCapabilityPrompts



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- EnableVirtualizationBasedSecurity N/A
- HypervisorEnforcedCodeIntegrity N/A
- LsaCfgFlags N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Description /HelpAndSupport/Description
- Icon N/A
- Link /HelpAndSupport/OnlineSupportIconLink
- Title /HelpAndSupport/OnlineSupportIconTitle



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- EnabledScenarioExecutionLevel /Diagnostics/DiskFailureEnabledScenarioExecutionLevel
- DfdAlertTextOverride /Diagnostics/DiskFailureAlertTextOverride



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DNSDomain /DNS/DNSDomain
- DNSSuffixSearchOrder N/A
-- DomainName N/A
--- Key N/A
--- Value N/A
- Interfaces N/A
-- Identifier N/A
-- Interface N/A
--- DisableDynamicUpdate N/A
--- DNSDomain N/A
--- DNSServerSearchOrder N/A
---- IpAddress N/A
----- Key N/A
----- Value N/A
--- EnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration N/A
- UseDomainNameDevolution /DNS/UseDomainNameDevolution



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DisableBootMenu /SMISettings/UnbrandedBoot/DisableBootMenu
- DisplayDisabled /SMISettings/UnbrandedBoot/DisplayDisabled
- HideAllBootUI /SMISettings/UnbrandedBoot/HideAllBootUI
- HideBootLogo /SMISettings/UnbrandedBoot/HideBootLogo
- HideBootStatusIndicator /SMISettings/UnbrandedBoot/HideBootStatusIndicator
- HideBootStatusMessage /SMISettings/UnbrandedBoot/HideBootStatusMessage



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- AnimationDisabled /SMISettings/CustomLogon/AnimationDisabled
- BrandingNeutral /SMISettings/CustomLogon/BrandingNeutral
- HideAutoLogonUI /SMISettings/CustomLogon/HideAutologonUI
- NoLockScreen /SMISettings/CustomLogon/NoLockScreen
- UIVerbosityLevel /SMISettings/CustomLogon/UIVerbosityLevel



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Alt /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/Alt
- AltF4 /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/AltF4
- AltSpace /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/AltSpace
- AltTab /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/AltTab
- AltWin /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/AltWin
- BrowserBack /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/BrowserBack
- BrowserFavorites /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/BrowserFavorites
- BrowserForward /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/BrowserForward
- BrowserHome /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/BrowserHome
- BrowserRefresh /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/BrowserRefresh
- BrowserSearch /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/BrowserSearch
- BrowserStop /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/BrowserStop
- ControlAltDelete /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/CtrlAltDel
- ControlEscape /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/CtrlEsc
- ControlTab /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/CtrlTab
- ControlWindowsF /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/CtrlWinF
- Ctrl /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/Ctrl
- CtrlF4 /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/CtrlF4
- CtrlWin /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/CtrlWin
- CustomFilters /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/CustomKeyFilter
-- FilterRule N/A
- CustomScancodes /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/CustomScancodeFilter
-- FilterRule N/A
- DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/DisableKeyboardFilterForAdministrators
- Escape /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/Escape
- F21 /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/F21
- ForceOffAccessibility /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/ForceOffAccessibility
- LaunchApp1 /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/LaunchApp1
- LaunchApp2 /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/LaunchApp2
- LaunchMail /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/LaunchMail
- LaunchMediaSelect /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/LaunchMediaSelect
- LeftShiftLeftAltNumLock /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/LShiftLAltNumLock
- LeftShiftLeftAltPrintScreen /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/LShiftLAltPrintScrn
- MediaNext /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/MediaNext
- MediaPlayPause /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/MediaPlayPause
- MediaPrev /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/MediaPrev
- MediaStop /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/MediaStop
- Shift /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/Shift
- ShiftControlEscape /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/ShiftCtrlEsc
- ShiftWin /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/ShiftWin
- VolumeDown /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/VolumeDown
- VolumeMute /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/VolumeMute
- VolumeUp /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/VolumeUp
- Windows /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/Windows
- WindowsB /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinB
- WindowsBreak /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinBreak
- WindowsC /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinC
- WindowsComma /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinComma
- WindowsD /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinD
- WindowsDown /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinDown
- WindowsE /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinE
- WindowsEnter /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinEnter
- WindowsEscape /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinEsc
- WindowsF /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinF
- WindowsF1 /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinF1
- WindowsH /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinH
- WindowsHome /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinHome
- WindowsI /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinI
- WindowsJ /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinJ
- WindowsK /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinK
- WindowsL /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinL
- WindowsLeft /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinLeft
- WindowsM /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinM
- WindowsMinus /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinMinus
- WindowsO /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinO
- WindowsP /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinP
- WindowsPageDown /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinPageDown
- WindowsPageUp /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinPageUp
- WindowsPeriod /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinPeriod
- WindowsPlus /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinPlus
- WindowsQ /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinQ
- WindowsR /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinR
- WindowsRight /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinRight
- WindowsShiftDown /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinShiftDown
- WindowsShiftLeft /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinShiftLeft
- WindowsShiftRight /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinShiftRight
- WindowsShiftUp /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinShiftUp
- WindowsSlash /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinForwardslash
- WindowsSpace /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinSpace
- WindowsT /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinT
- WindowsTab /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinTab
- WindowsU /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinU
- WindowsUp /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinUp
- WindowsV /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinV
- WindowsW /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinW
- WindowsZ /SMISettings/KeyboardFilter/WinZ



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DefaultReturnCodeAction /SMISettings/ShellLauncher/DefaultReturnCodeAction
- Shell /SMISettings/ShellLauncher/Shell
- UserSettings N/A
-- User N/A
--- AccountName N/A
--- CustomReturnCodeAction N/A
---- CodeAction N/A
----- Action N/A
----- ReturnCode N/A
--- DefaultReturnCodeAction N/A
--- Domain N/A
--- Key N/A
--- Shell N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- TCGSecurityActivationDisabled /Storage/DisableAutomaticDiscEncryption



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DefaultConsent /ErrorReporting/DefaultConsent
- DisableWER /ErrorReporting/DisableWER



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Fax /Fax/Fax
-- ArchiveFaxes /Fax/Fax/ArchiveFaxes
-- ArchiveFolderName /Fax/Fax/ArchiveFolderName
-- IncomingFaxesArePublic /Fax/Fax/IncomingFaxesArePublic
- FaxUnattend /Fax/FaxUnattend
-- Csid /Fax/FaxUnattend/Csid
-- FaxPrinterIsShared /Fax/FaxUnattend/FaxPrinterIsShared
-- ReceiveFaxes /Fax/FaxUnattend/ReceiveFaxes
-- Rings /Fax/FaxUnattend/Rings
-- RouteFolderName /Fax/FaxUnattend/RouteFolderName
-- RoutePrinterName /Fax/FaxUnattend/RoutePrinterName
-- RouteToFolder /Fax/FaxUnattend/RouteToFolder
-- RouteToPrinter /Fax/FaxUnattend/RouteToPrinter
-- SendFaxes /Fax/FaxUnattend/SendFaxes
-- Tsid /Fax/FaxUnattend/Tsid
- Receipts /Fax/Receipts
-- FaxUserName /Fax/Receipts/FaxUserName
-- FaxUserPassword /Fax/Receipts/FaxUserPassword
-- SmtpNotificationsEnabled /Fax/Receipts/SmtpNotificationsEnabled
-- SmtpSenderAddress /Fax/Receipts/SmtpSenderAddress
-- SmtpServerAddress /Fax/Receipts/SmtpServerAddress
-- SmtpServerAuthenticationMechanism /Fax/Receipts/SmtpServerAuthenticationMechanism
-- SmtpServerPort /Fax/Receipts/SmtpServerPort



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- ConvertibleSlateMode /Tablet/ConvertibleSlateHint



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- HelpAndSupport Deprecated in Windows 10. To add customer support contact information in the Contact Support app or Web page, see Information.
-- Logo N/A
-- LogoURL N/A
-- Manufacturer N/A
-- SearchContent N/A
-- SupportSearchURL N/A
-- TileColor N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- CacheLimit /NetworkProxy/CacheLimit
- HKLMConnectRetries /NetworkProxy/HKLMConnectRetries
- HKLMConnectTimeOut /NetworkProxy/HKLMConnectTimeOut
- HKLMContentPerUserItem /NetworkProxy/HKLMContentPerUserItem
- HKLMCookiesPerUserItem /NetworkProxy/HKLMCookiesPerUserItem
- HKLMHistoryPerUserItem /NetworkProxy/HKLMHistoryPerUserItem
- HKLMProxyEnable /NetworkProxy/HKLMProxyEnable
- HKLMProxyOverride /NetworkProxy/HKLMProxyOverride
- HKLMProxyServer /NetworkProxy/HKLMProxyServer
- HKLMReceiveTimeOut /NetworkProxy/HKLMReceiveTimeOut
- HKLMSendTimeOut /NetworkProxy/HKLMSendTimeOut



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- IEHardenAdmin N/A
- IEHardenUser N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Accelerators N/A
-- ItemKey N/A
-- Accelerator N/A
--- AcceleratorXML N/A
--- IsDefault N/A
- AllowedSites /InternetExplorer/AllowedSites
- BlockPopups /InternetExplorer/BlockPopups
- CommandLabelDisplay /InternetExplorer/CommandLabelDisplay
- CompanyName /InternetExplorer/CompanyName
- CompatibilityViewDomains /InternetExplorer/CompatibilityViewDomains
- DisableAccelerators /InternetExplorer/DisableAccelerators
- DisableDataExecutionPrevention /InternetExplorer/DisableDataExecutionPrevention
- DisableDevTools /InternetExplorer/DisableDevTools
- DisableFirstRunWizard /InternetExplorer/DisableFirstRunWizard
- DisableOOBAccelerators /InternetExplorer/DisableOOBAccelerators
- FavoriteBarItems N/A
-- ItemKey N/A
-- FavoriteBarItem N/A
--- ItemName N/A
--- ItemType N/A
--- ItemUrl N/A
- FavoritesDelete /InternetExplorer/FavoritesDelete
- FavoritesList N/A
-- FavID N/A
-- FavoriteItem N/A
--- FavIconFile N/A
--- FavOffLine N/A
--- FavTitle N/A
--- FavURL N/A
- FavoritesOnTop /InternetExplorer/FavoritesOnTop
- FeedList N/A
-- FeedKey N/A
-- FeedItem N/A
--- FeedTitle N/A
--- FeedURL N/A
- FilterLevel /InternetExplorer/FilterLevel
- FindProvidersURL /InternetExplorer/FindProvidersURL
- GroupTabs /InternetExplorer/GroupTabs
- Help_Page /InternetExplorer/Help_Page
- Home_Page /InternetExplorer/Home_Page
- InstalledBHOList N/A
-- AddonGuid N/A
-- AddonGuidItem N/A
- InstalledBrowserExtensions N/A
-- AddonGuid N/A
-- AddonGuidItem N/A
- InstalledToolbarsList N/A
-- AddonGuid N/A
-- AddonGuidItem N/A
- IntranetCompatibilityMode /InternetExplorer/IntranetCompatibilityMode
- LocalIntranetSites /InternetExplorer/LocalIntranetSites
- LockToolbars /InternetExplorer/LockToolbars
- MSCompatibilityMode /InternetExplorer/MSCompatibilityMode
- PlaySound /InternetExplorer/PlaySound
- PreApprovedAddons N/A
-- AddonGuid N/A
-- AddonGuidItem N/A
- PrivacyAdvisorMode /InternetExplorer/PrivacyAdvisorMode
- QuickLinkList N/A
-- QuickLinkItem N/A
--- QuickLinkName N/A
--- QuickLinkUrl N/A
- SearchScopes N/A
-- ScopeKey N/A
-- Scope N/A
--- FaviconURL N/A
--- PreviewURL N/A
--- ScopeDefault N/A
--- ScopeDisplayName N/A
--- ScopeUrl N/A
--- ShowSearchSuggestions N/A
--- SuggestionsURL N/A
--- SuggestionsURL_JSON N/A
- ShowLeftAddressToolbar /InternetExplorer/ShowLeftAddressToolbar
- ShowInformationBar /InternetExplorer/ShowInformationBar
- StartPages N/A
-- StartPageKey N/A
-- StartPage N/A
--- StartPageUrl N/A
- SuggestedSitesEnabled /InternetExplorer/SuggestedSitesEnabled
- TabProcessGrowth /InternetExplorer/TabProcessGrowth
- TrustedSites /InternetExplorer/TrustedSites
- UserAgent /InternetExplorer/UserAgent
- Window_Title_CN /InternetExplorer/Window_Title_CN



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- InputLocale /Internationalization/InputLocale
- SystemLocale /Internationalization/SystemLocale
- UILanguage /Internationalization/UILanguage
- UILanguageFallback /Internationalization/UILanguageFallback
- UserLocale /Internationalization/UserLocale



WindowsPE settings are not available in Windows Provisioning/Windows ICD.

Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- InputLocale Not available
- LayeredDriver Not available
- SetupUILanguage Not available
-- UILanguage Not available
-- WillShowUI Not available
- SystemLocale Not available
- UILanguage Not available
- UILanguageFallback Not available
- UserLocale Not available



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- EnableLUA /UserAccountControl/Enabled



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- ChinaVariantWin10 /Maps/ChinaVariantWin10



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- InitialOEMServiceProvider /MediaPlayer/InitialOEMServiceProvider



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- AdaptiveBrightness /Sensors/AdaptiveBrightness
-- ALRPoints /Sensors/AdaptiveBrightness/ALRPoints
-- DisplayResponseInterval N/A
-- IlluminanceChangeSensitivity N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Interfaces N/A
-- Interface N/A
--- Identifier N/A
--- NameServerList N/A
---- IpAddress N/A
----- Key N/A
----- Value N/A
--- NetbiosOptions N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Bridge /Networking/BridgedInterfaces



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Clusters N/A
-- Cluster N/A
--- BDATeam N/A
---- Master N/A
---- ReverseHash N/A
---- Team N/A
--- ClusterIpAddress N/A
--- ClusterIpToClusterMacEnabled N/A
--- ClusterMacAddress N/A
--- ClusterMode N/A
--- ClusterName N/A
--- ClusterNetMask N/A
--- DedicatedIpAddresses N/A
---- IpAddress N/A
----- Key N/A
----- IpAddress N/A
----- NetworkMask N/A
--- HostIdentifier N/A
--- ICMPFilteringEnabled N/A
--- IdentityHeartbeatPeriod N/A
--- InitialHostState N/A
--- Interface N/A
--- MaskSourceMacEnabled N/A
--- MaximumConnectionDescriptors N/A
--- MembershipHeartbeatLossTolerance N/A
--- MembershipHeartbeatPeriod N/A
--- MulticastSpoofEnabled N/A
--- NetBTSupportEnabled N/A
--- PersistSuspendedState N/A
--- Portrules N/A
---- Portrule N/A
----- ClientAffinity N/A
----- EndPort N/A
----- EqualLoad N/A
----- HostPriority N/A
----- Key N/A
----- LoadWeight N/A
----- Mode N/A
----- Protocol N/A
----- StartPort N/A
----- Timeout N/A
----- VirtualIpAddress N/A
--- UnicastInterHostCommunicationSupportEnabled N/A
--- VirtualIpAddresses N/A
---- IpAddress N/A
----- Key N/A
----- IpAddress N/A
----- NetworkMask N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DoNotOpenInitialConfigurationTasksAtLogon N/A
- OemExtensionXmlFilePath N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- SanPolicy /StorageAreaNetwork/AutoMountPolicy



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DriverPaths N/A
-- PathAndCredentials N/A
--- Credentials N/A
---- Domain N/A
---- Password N/A
---- Username N/A
--- Key N/A
--- Path N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DriverPaths N/A
-- PathAndCredentials N/A
--- Credentials N/A
---- Domain N/A
---- Password N/A
---- Username N/A
--- Key N/A
--- Path N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices /Drivers/DoNotCleanUpNonPresentDevices
- PersistAllDeviceInstalls /Drivers/PersistAllDeviceInstalls



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- PreferredPlan /Power/PreferredPlan



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- RemoveMXDW /Printing/RemoveMXDW
- Start /Printing/StartAutoLogger



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- ConfigurationFlags /RemoteAccess/ConfigurationFlags
- RouterType /RemoteAccess/RouterType



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- CreateEncryptedOnlyTickets /RemoteAssistance/CreateEncryptedOnlyTickets
- fAllowToGetHelp /RemoteAssistance/AllowToGetHelp
- fAllowFullControl /RemoteAssistance/AllowFullControl
- MaxTicketExpiry /RemoteAssistance/MaxTicketExpiry
- MaxTicketExpiryUnits /RemoteAssistance/MaxTicketExpiryUnits



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- BytesDecryptedInDiskRequestOverhead N/A
- MaxCryptoRequestsPerIo N/A
- MaxDecryptRequests N/A
- MaxEncryptRequests N/A
- PreventDeviceEncryption /BitLocker/DoNotAutomaticallyEncryptDevices
- SlicedEncryptionInPlace N/A
- SlicedEncryptionMinSize N/A
- SlicedEncryptionRequestsMax N/A
- WriteIoAggregateMaxSize N/A
- WriteIoAggregateMinSize N/A
- WriteSubrequestLength N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- SkipRearm /SoftwareLicensing/SkipRearm



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- SkipAutoActivation /SoftwareLicensing/SkipAutoActivation



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- ReferralId N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DoNotOpenServerManagerAtLogon N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- ComplianceCheck N/A
-- DisplayReport N/A
- Diagnostics N/A
-- OptIn N/A
- DiskConfiguration N/A
-- DisableEncryptedDiskProvisioning N/A
-- Disk N/A
--- CreatePartitions N/A
---- CreatePartition N/A
----- Extend N/A
----- Order N/A
----- Size N/A
----- Type N/A
--- DiskID N/A
--- ModifyPartitions N/A
---- ModifyPartition N/A
----- Active N/A
----- Extend N/A
----- Format N/A
----- Label N/A
----- Letter N/A
----- Order N/A
----- PartitionID N/A
----- TypeID N/A
--- WillWipeDisk N/A
-- WillShowUI N/A
- Display N/A
-- ColorDepth N/A
-- HorizontalResolution N/A
-- RefreshRate N/A
-- VerticalResolution N/A
- DynamicUpdate N/A
-- Enable N/A
-- WillShowUI N/A
- EnableFirewall N/A
- EnableNetwork N/A
- ImageInstall N/A
-- DataImage N/A
--- InstallFrom N/A
---- Credentials N/A
----- Domain N/A
----- Password N/A
----- Username N/A
---- MetaData N/A
----- Key N/A
----- Value N/A
---- Path N/A
--- InstallTo N/A
---- DiskID N/A
---- PartitionID N/A
--- Order N/A
-- OSImage N/A
--- Compact N/A
--- InstallFrom N/A
---- Credentials N/A
----- Domain N/A
----- Password N/A
----- Username N/A
---- MetaData N/A
----- Key N/A
----- Value N/A
---- Path N/A
--- InstallTo N/A
---- DiskID N/A
---- PartitionID N/A
--- InstallToAvailablePartition N/A
--- WillShowUI N/A
- LogPath N/A
- PageFile N/A
-- Path N/A
-- Size N/A
- Restart N/A
- RunAsynchronous N/A
-- RunAsynchronousCommand N/A
--- Credentials N/A
---- Domain N/A
---- Password N/A
---- Username N/A
--- Description N/A
--- Order N/A
--- Path N/A
- RunSynchronous N/A
-- RunSynchronousCommand N/A
--- Credentials N/A
---- Domain N/A
---- Password N/A
---- UserName N/A
--- Description N/A
--- Order N/A
--- Path N/A
- UpgradeData N/A
-- Upgrade N/A
-- WillShowUI N/A
- UseConfigurationSet N/A
- UserData N/A
-- AcceptEula N/A
-- FullName N/A
-- Organization N/A
-- ProductKey N/A
--- Key N/A
--- WillShowUI N/A
- WindowsDeploymentServices N/A
-- ImageSelection N/A
--- InstallImage N/A
---- Filename N/A
---- ImageGroup N/A
---- ImageName N/A
--- InstallTo N/A
---- DiskID N/A
---- PartitionID N/A
--- WillShowUI N/A
-- Login N/A
--- Credentials N/A
---- Domain N/A
---- Password N/A
---- Username N/A
--- WillShowUI N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- EnableICS /SharedAccess/EnableICS
- ExternalAdapter /SharedAccess/ExternalAdapter
- InternalAdapter /SharedAccess/InternalAdapter
- InternalIsBridge /SharedAccess/InternalIsBridge



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- AutoLogon /Shell/AutoLogon
-- Domain /Shell/AutoLogon/Domain
-- Enabled /Shell/AutoLogon/Enabled
-- LogonCount /Shell/AutoLogon/LogonCount
-- Password /Shell/AutoLogon/Password
--- PlainText /Shell/AutoLogon/PlainText
--- Value /Shell/AutoLogon/Value
-- Username /Shell/AutoLogon/Username
- BluetoothTaskbarIconEnabled /Shell/BluetoothTaskbarIconEnabled
- ClientApplications /Shell/ClientApplications
-- IM /Shell/ClientApplications/IM
-- Internet /Shell/ClientApplications/Internet
-- JavaVM /Shell/ClientApplications/JavaVM
-- Mail /Shell/ClientApplications/Mail
-- Media /Shell/ClientApplications/Media
- ComputerName /Computer/Name
- ConvertibleSlateModePromptPreference /TabletMode/ConvertibleSlateModePromptPreference
- CopyProfile /Shell/CopyProfile
- DesktopOptimization /Shell/DesktopOptimizations
-- GoToDesktopOnSignIn /Shell/DesktopOptimizations/GoToDesktopOnSignIn
-- ShowWindowsStoreAppsOnTaskbar /Shell/DesktopOptimizations/ShowWindowsStoreAppsOnTaskbar
- DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet /Shell/DisableAutoDaylightTimeSet
- Display /Display/Settings
-- ColorDepth /Display/Settings/ColorDepth
-- DPI /Display/Settings/DPI
-- HorizontalResolution /Display/Settings/HorizontalResolution
-- RefreshRate /Display/Settings/RefreshRate
-- VerticalResolution /Display/Settings/VerticalResolution
- DoNotCleanTaskBar /Shell/DoNotCleanTaskBar
- FirstLogonCommands N/A
-- SynchronousCommand N/A
--- CommandLine N/A
--- Description N/A
--- Order N/A
--- RequiresUserInput N/A
- FolderLocations /Shell/FolderLocations
-- ProfilesDirectory /Shell/FolderLocations/ProfilesDirectory
-- ProgramData /Shell/FolderLocations/ProgramData
- LogonCommands N/A
-- AsynchronousCommand N/A
--- CommandLine N/A
--- Description /Shell/LogonCommands/AsynchronousCommand/Description
--- Order N/A
--- RequiresUserInput N/A
- NotificationArea /Shell/NotificationArea
-- PromotedIcon1 /Shell/NotificationArea/PromotedIcon1
--- GUID /Shell/NotificationArea/PromotedIcon1/GUID
--- Path /Shell/NotificationArea/PromotedIcon1/Path
-- PromotedIcon2 /Shell/PromotedIcon2
--- GUID /Shell/PromotedIcon2/GUID
--- Path /Shell/PromotedIcon2/Path
- OEMInformation /OEM/Information
-- HelpCustomized /OEM/Information/HelpCustomized
-- Logo N/A
-- Manufacturer /OEM/Information/Manufacturer
-- Model /OEM/Information/Model
-- SupportAppURL /OEM/Information/SupportAppURL
-- SupportHours /OEM/Information/SupportHours
-- SupportPhone /OEM/Information/SupportPhone
-- SupportURL /OEM/Information/SupportURL
- OEMName N/A
- OEMWelcomeCenter /OEM/WelcomeCenter
-- link /OEM/WelcomeCenter/link
- OEMWelcomeCenterLinks /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks
-- Link0 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link0
-- Link1 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link1
-- Link2 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link2
-- Link3 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link3
-- Link4 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link4
-- Link5 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link5
-- Link6 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link6
-- Link7 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link7
-- Link8 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link8
-- Link9 /OEM/WelcomeCenterLinks/Link9
- OfflineUserAccounts /UserAccounts/OfflineAccounts
-- OfflineAdministratorPassword /UserAccounts/OfflineAccounts/OfflineAdministratorPassword
--- PlainText /UserAccounts/OfflineAccounts/OfflineAdministratorPassword/PlainText
--- Value /UserAccounts/OfflineAccounts/OfflineAdministratorPassword/Value
-- OfflineDomainAccounts N/A
--- OfflineDomainAccount N/A
---- Group N/A
---- SID N/A
--- OfflineLocalAccounts N/A
---- LocalAccount N/A
----- Description N/A
----- DisplayName N/A
----- Group N/A
----- Name N/A
----- Password N/A
------ PlainText N/A
------ Value N/A
- OOBE /OutOfBoxExperience/Options
-- HideEULAPage /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/HideEULAPage
-- HideLocalAccountScreen /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/HideLocalAccountScreen
-- HideOEMRegistrationScreen /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/HideOEMRegistrationScreen
-- HideOnlineAccountScreens /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/HideOnlineAccountScreens
-- HideWirelessSetupInOOBE /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/HideWirelessSetupInOOBE
-- NetworkLocation Deprecated in Windows 10
-- OEMAppId /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/OEMAppId
-- ProtectYourPC /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/ProtectYourPC
-- SkipMachineOOBE /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/SkipMachineOOBE
-- SkipUserOOBE /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/SkipUserOOBE
-- UnattendEnableRetailDemo /OutOfBoxExperience/Options/UnattendEnableRetailDemo
- ProductKey /Setup/ProductKey
- RegisteredOrganization /Registered/Organization
- RegisteredOwner /Registered/Owner
- ShowPowerButtonOnStartScreen /StartMenu/ShowPowerButton
- ShowWindowsLive /Shell/ShowWindowsLive
- SignInMode /TabletMode/SignInMode
- StartPanelLinks /Shell/StartPanelLinks
-- Link0 /Shell/StartPanelLinks/Link0
-- Link1 /Shell/StartPanelLinks/Link1
-- Link2 /Shell/StartPanelLinks/Link2
-- Link3 /Shell/StartPanelLinks/Link3
-- Link4 /Shell/StartPanelLinks/Link4
- StartTiles N/A
-- LockScreen N/A
--- Badge N/A
---- AppId N/A
-- RegionalOverrides N/A
--- RegionalOverride N/A
---- Order N/A
---- LockScreen N/A
----- Badge N/A
------ AppId N/A
---- Regions N/A
----- Key N/A
----- Region N/A
------ CountryOrRegionID N/A
---- SquareTiles N/A
----- SquareOrDesktopTile1 N/A
------ AppIdOrPath N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareOrDesktopTile2 N/A
------ AppIdOrPath N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareOrDesktopTile3 N/A
------ AppIdOrPath N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareOrDesktopTile4 N/A
------ AppIdOrPath N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareOrDesktopTile5 N/A
------ AppIdOrPath N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareOrDesktopTile6 N/A
------ AppIdOrPath N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile1 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile10 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile11 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile12 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile2 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile3 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile4 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile5 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile6 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile7 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile8 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- SquareTile9 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
---- WideTiles N/A
----- WideTile1 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- WideTile2 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- WideTile3 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- WideTile4 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- WideTile5 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
----- WideTile6 N/A
------ AppId N/A
------ FirstRunTask N/A
-- SquareTiles N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile1 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile2 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile3 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile4 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile5 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile6 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile7 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile8 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile9 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile10 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile11 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareOrDesktopTile12 N/A
---- AppIdOrPath N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile1 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile10 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile11 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile12 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile2 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile3 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile4 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile5 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile6 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile7 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile8 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- SquareTile9 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
-- WideTiles N/A
--- WideTile1 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- WideTile2 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- WideTile3 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- WideTile4 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- WideTile5 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
--- WideTile6 N/A
---- AppId N/A
---- FirstRunTask N/A
- StartPanelOff /StartMenu/UseClassicAppearance
- TaskbarLinks /Shell/TaskbarLinks
-- Link0 /Shell/TaskbarLinks/Link0
-- Link1 /Shell/TaskbarLinks/Link1
-- Link2 /Shell/TaskbarLinks/Link2
-- Link3 /Shell/TaskbarLinks/Link3
-- Link4 /Shell/TaskbarLinks/Link4
-- Link5 /Shell/TaskbarLinks/Link5
- Themes /Shell/Themes
-- BrandIcon N/A
-- CustomDefaultThemeFile N/A
-- DefaultThemesOff /Shell/Themes/DefaultThemesOff
-- DesktopBackground N/A
-- ScreenSaver N/A
-- ThemeName /Shell/Themes/ThemeName
-- WindowColor /Shell/Themes/WindowColor
- TimeZone /Shell/TimeZone
- UserAccounts /UserAccounts/Accounts
-- AdministratorPassword /UserAccounts/Accounts/AdministratorPassword
--- PlainText /UserAccounts/Accounts/AdministratorPassword/PlainText
--- Value /UserAccounts/Accounts/AdministratorPassword/Value
-- DomainAccounts N/A
--- Domain N/A
--- DomainAccountList N/A
---- DomainAccount N/A
----- Group N/A
----- Name N/A
-- LocalAccounts N/A
--- Name N/A
--- LocalAccount N/A
---- Description /UserAccounts/Accounts/LocalAccounts/LocalAccount/Description
---- DisplayName N/A
---- Group N/A
---- Password N/A
----- PlainText N/A
----- Value N/A
- VisualEffects /Shell/VisualEffects
-- FontSmoothing /Shell/VisualEffects/FontSmoothing
-- SystemDefaultBackgroundColor Deprecated in Windows 10 and should not be used.
- WindowsFeatures /Shell/WindowsFeatures
-- ShowInternetExplorer /Shell/WindowsFeatures/ShowInternetExplorer
-- ShowMediaCenter /Shell/WindowsFeatures/ShowMediaCenter
-- ShowWindowsMediaPlayer /Shell/WindowsFeatures/ShowWindowsMediaPlayer
-- ShowWindowsMail /Shell/WindowsFeatures/ShowWindowsMail



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Description /OnlinePrinting/Description
- DisplayName /OnlinePrinting/DisplayName
- href /OnlinePrinting/href
- Icon N/A
- ID /OnlinePrinting/ID



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Gadget1 /Sidebar/Gadget1
- Gadget2 /Sidebar/Gadget2
- Gadget3 /Sidebar/Gadget3
- Gadget4 /Sidebar/Gadget4
- Gadget5 /Sidebar/Gadget5
- LayoutPosition /Sidebar/LayoutPosition
- SidebarOnByDefault /Sidebar/SidebarOnByDefault
- SidebarVisible /Sidebar/SidebarVisible



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- LmAnnounce /SMBServer/LmAnnounce
- Size /SMBServer/CacheSize



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- EnableAuthenticationTraps N/A
- PermittedManagers N/A
-- A1 N/A
- RFC1156Agent N/A
-- sysContact N/A
-- sysLocation N/A
-- sysServices N/A
- TrapConfiguration N/A
-- TrapConfigurationItems N/A
--- Community_Name N/A
--- Traps N/A
- ValidCommunities N/A
-- ValidCommunity N/A
--- Key N/A
--- Value N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- CEIPEnabled /CEIP/Enabled



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- FlyoutAutoPowerScheme /Power/FlyoutAutoPowerScheme
- FlyoutHighPerformancePowerScheme /Power/FlyoutHighPerformancePowerScheme
- FlyoutPowerSaverPowerScheme /Power/FlyoutPowerSaverPowerScheme
- CustomPowerApplication1 /Power/CustomPowerApplication1
-- Application N/A
-- IconID N/A
-- ItemName /Power/CustomPowerApplication1/ItemName
-- Parameters /Power/CustomPowerApplication1/Parameters
- CustomPowerApplication2 /Power/CustomPowerApplication2
-- Application N/A
-- IconID N/A
-- ItemName /Power/CustomPowerApplication2/ItemName
-- Parameters /Power/CustomPowerApplication2/Parameters
- CustomPowerApplication3 /Power/CustomPowerApplication3
-- Application N/A
-- IconID N/A
-- ItemName /Power/CustomPowerApplication3/ItemName
-- Parameters /Power/CustomPowerApplication3/Parameters
- CustomPowerApplication4 /Power/CustomPowerApplication4
-- Application N/A
-- IconID N/A
-- ItemName /Power/CustomPowerApplication4/ItemName
-- Parameters /Power/CustomPowerApplication4/Parameters
- CustomPowerApplication5 /Power/CustomPowerApplication5
-- Application N/A
-- IconID N/A
-- ItemName /Power/CustomPowerApplication5/ItemName
-- Parameters /Power/CustomPowerApplication5/Parameters
- CustomPowerApplication6 /Power/CustomPowerApplication6
-- Application N/A
-- IconID N/A
-- ItemName /Power/CustomPowerApplication6/ItemName
-- Parameters /Power/CustomPowerApplication6/Parameters



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- CacheList N/A
-- CacheID N/A
-- Cache N/A
--- CacheSizeMB N/A
--- DiskID N/A
--- EnableCompression N/A
--- EnableEncryption N/A
--- PartitionID N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DisableSR /SystemRestore/Disabled



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DisplayNetworkSelection /Wireless/DisplayNetworkSelection
- WiFiToWlan /Wireless/WiFiToWlan



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- AssociationData N/A
-- AssociationElement N/A
--- Key N/A
--- Value N/A
- HandwritingPanelDockedModeSet This content is not yet available.
- LinearityData N/A
-- DeviceElement N/A
--- Key N/A
--- Value N/A
- MultiTouchEnabled /Tablet/MultiTouchEnabled
- PanningDisabled /Tablet/PanningDisabled
- TouchGate /Tablet/TouchEnabled
- TouchKeyboardAutoInvokeEnabled This content is not yet available.
- TouchUI /Tablet/TouchUI
- TouchUISize /Tablet/TouchUISize



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- TapiConfigured /Telephony/TapiConfigured
- TapiUnattendLocation /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation
-- AreaCode /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation/AreaCode
-- CountryOrRegion /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation/CountryOrRegion
-- DisableCallWaiting /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation/DisableCallWaiting
-- InternationalCarrierCode /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation/InternationalCarrierCode
-- LongDistanceAccess /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation/LongDistanceAccess
-- LongDistanceCarrierCode /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation/LongDistanceCarrierCode
-- Name /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation/Name
-- OutsideAccess /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation/OutsideAccess
-- PulseOrToneDialing /Telephony/TapiUnattendLocation/PulseOrToneDialing



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- IcmpRedirectsEnabled /TCPIP/IcmpRedirectsEnabled
- Interfaces N/A
-- Identifier N/A
-- Interface N/A
--- Ipv4Settings N/A
---- DhcpEnabled N/A
---- Metric N/A
---- RouterDiscoveryEnabled N/A
--- Ipv6Settings N/A
---- DhcpEnabled N/A
---- Metric N/A
---- RouterDiscoveryEnabled N/A
--- Routes N/A
---- Identifier N/A
---- Route N/A
----- Metric N/A
----- NextHopAddress N/A
----- Prefix N/A
--- UnicastIpAddresses N/A
---- IpAddress N/A
----- Key N/A
----- Value N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Port N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DBPath N/A
- Role N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- fDenyTSConnections /TerminalServices/DenyTSConnections



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- fDisabledAllowList /TerminalServicesWMIProvider/DisabledAllowList



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- SecurityLayer /RemoteDesktop/SecurityLayer
- UserAuthentication /RemoteDesktop/UserAuthentication



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- LicensingMode /TerminalServices/LicensingMode



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- Identification /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online
-- Credentials /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/Credentials
--- Domain /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/Credentials/Domain
--- Password /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/Credentials/Password
--- Username /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/Credentials/Username
-- DebugJoin /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/DebugJoin
-- DebugJoinOnlyOnThisError /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/DebugJoinOnlyOnThisError
-- JoinDomain /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/JoinDomain
-- JoinWorkgroup /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/JoinWorkgroup
-- MachineObjectOU /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/MachineObjectOU
-- MachinePassword /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/MachinePassword
-- Provisioning /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/Provisioning
--- AccountData /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/Provisioning/AccountData
-- TimeoutPeriodInMinutes /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/TimeoutPeriodInMinutes
-- UnsecureJoin /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Online/UnsecureJoin
- OfflineIdentification /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Offline
-- Provisioning /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Offline/Provisioning
--- AccountData /Domain/UnattendedJoin/Offline/Provisioning/Accountdata


Microsoft-Windows-WDF-Kernel Library

Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DriverStartType /Drivers/KMDFStartType



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- UninstallWindowsRE /Setup/UninstallWindowsRE



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- CoexistenceSupport /ConnectivityProfiles/WiFiSense/SystemCapabilities/CoexistenceSupport
- NumAntennaConnected /ConnectivityProfiles/WiFiSense/SystemCapabilities/NumAntennaConnected
- RadioLocation /Wireless/RadioLocation
- SimultaneousMultiChannelSupported /ConnectivityProfiles/WiFiSense/SystemCapabilities/SimultaneousMultiChannelSupported
- WLANFunctionalLevelDeviceResetSupported /ConnectivityProfiles/WiFiSense/SystemCapabilities/WLANFunctionLevelDeviceResetSupported
- WLANPlatformLevelDeviceResetSupported /ConnectivityProfiles/WiFiSense/SystemCapabilities/WLANPlatformLevelDeviceResetSupported



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- OtherDomains /SMBClient/OtherDomains
- SyncDomainWithMembership /SMBClient/SyncDomainWithMembership



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- BTSearchIntervalOnAC /Bluetooth/MTPSearchIntervalOnAC
- BTSearchIntervalOnDC /Bluetooth/MTPSearchIntervalOnDC
- RegCacheUpdated N/A



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- NotInOOBE /Wireless/HideUIInOOBE



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DisableStatefulFTP /Firewall/DisableStatefulFTP
- DisableStatefulPPTP /Firewall/DisableStatefulPPTP
- DomainProfile_DisableNotifications /Firewall/DomainProfile_DisableNotifications
- DomainProfile_EnableFirewall /Firewall/DomainProfile_EnableFirewall
- DomainProfile_LogDroppedPackets /Firewall/DomainProfile_LogDroppedPackets
- DomainProfile_LogFile /Firewall/DomainProfile_LogFile
- DomainProfile_LogFileSize /Firewall/DomainProfile_LogFileSize
- DomainProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections /Firewall/DomainProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections
- FirewallGroups N/A
-- Key N/A
-- FirewallGroup N/A
--- Active N/A
--- Group N/A
--- Profile N/A
- PrivateProfile_DisableNotifications /Firewall/PrivateProfile_DisableNotifications
- PrivateProfile_EnableFirewall /Firewall/PrivateProfile_EnableFirewall
- PrivateProfile_LogDroppedPackets /Firewall/PrivateProfile_LogDroppedPackets
- PrivateProfile_LogFile /Firewall/PrivateProfile_LogFile
- PrivateProfile_LogFileSize /Firewall/PrivateProfile_LogFileSize
- PrivateProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections /Firewall/PrivateProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections
- PublicProfile_DisableNotifications /Firewall/PublicProfile_DisableNotifications
- PublicProfile_EnableFirewall /Firewall/PublicProfile_EnableFirewall
- PublicProfile_LogDroppedPackets /Firewall/PublicProfile_LogDroppedPackets
- PublicProfile_LogFile /Firewall/PublicProfile_LogFile
- PublicProfile_LogFileSize /Firewall/PublicProfile_LogFileSize
- PublicProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections /Firewall/PublicProfile_LogSuccessfulConnections



Unattend setting name Windows Provisioning setting group and name
- DefinitionUpdateFileSharesSources /WindowsDefender/DefinitionUpdateFileSharesSources
- DisableAntiSpyware /WindowsDefender/DisableAntiSpyware
- EnableRemoteManagedDefaults /WindowsDefender/EnableRemoteManagedDefaults
- FallbackOrder /WindowsDefender/FallbackOrder
- Scan /WindowsDefender/Scan
-- ScanParameters /WindowsDefender/Scan/ScanParameters
-- ScheduleDay /WindowsDefender/Scan/ScheduleDay
-- ScheduleTime /WindowsDefender/Scan/ScheduleTime
- SignatureUpdateInterval /WindowsDefender/SignatureUpdateInterval
- ThreatSeverityDefaultAction /WindowsDefender/ThreatSeverityDefaultAction
-- Low /WindowsDefender/ThreatSeverityDefaultAction/Low
-- Moderate /WindowsDefender/ThreatSeverityDefaultAction/Moderate
-- High /WindowsDefender/ThreatSeverityDefaultAction/High
-- Severe /WindowsDefender/ThreatSeverityDefaultAction/Severe
- TrustedImageIdentifier /WindowsDefender/TrustedImageIdentifier




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