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Creating a Configuration Job

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

A configuration job is used to set the value of a dimension. Configuration jobs can be executed automatically when DTM is trying to execute another job that requires the dimension.

Note   Before you create a Set Dimension Change Job, make sure that the dimension is already defined on the controller. To define a new dimension, see Defining and Viewing Dimensions.

A common DTM paradigm is to use a dimension to represent setup tasks having been completed on the client computer. A configuration job that sets the dimension executes the tasks that configure the client computer. A configuration job that deletes the dimension executes the tasks that clean up the client computer. All of the jobs that require the client computer to have been set up have a constraint that specifies a value for the dimension. By using this paradigm, you can have one pair of configuration jobs to set up and clean up the client computer, instead of repeating the same setup and cleanup tasks in each job that requires them. When a job that requires the dimension is executed, the configuration job is executed automatically. Furthermore, if any other jobs that require the same setup are scheduled to execute, then these other jobs can run after the first job has completed before the cleanup is done. This optimization means that setup and cleanup tasks can be executed only once, and all jobs can be executed on a client computer that has already been set up.

You must specify the following three things in a configuration job:

  1. The dimension that will be changed.

  2. A parameter that will be used as the value of the dimension.

    If this job sets a dimension, as opposed to deleting a dimension, then the value that's given to the dimension will be the value of the parameter.

  3. Tasks that change the dimension.

    These tasks configure or clean up the client computer.

If you want the value of a dimension to persist when the client computer is rebooted, include a task that uses the wttcmd command to add a registry key for the dimension.

To create a Set Dimension Change job

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

  1. Create a new job and enter the basic job information.

  2. From the Role drop-down list box, in the Status area, select Config.

  3. In the bottom pane of the New Job window, click the Parameters tab.

  4. In the Name column on the Local tab, type a name for the parameter.

  5. In the Value column, type a value for the parameter. This is the value that will be assigned to the dimension when the job has completed.

  6. Click the Dimension Change tab, and click Set from the Operation drop-down list box.

  7. If the job will install a new version of the operating system, select the Check this if the config job clean installs the OS check box.

  8. Click the Dimension column to activate the drop-down list box, and select the dimension to set.

  9. Click the Parameter column to activate the drop-down list box, and select the parameter you created in Step 4.

  10. Add tasks to the job by following the procedure in the Defining Tasks topic.

  11. If the tasks you added in Step 10 trigger changes that Asset Configuration Management will automatically report, such as WTT\MachineName, skip this step. Otherwise follow this procedure to set the dimension:

    1. Create an Execute task in the Regular Execution phase.

    2. Open a command prompt window and type

      [WTTBIN]\WTTCMD.EXE" /AddSysparseReg /v:<dimension> /d:"[<parameterName>]"

      where <dimension> is the name of the dimension you are setting and <parameterName> is the name you provided in Step 4 for the parameter.

    3. Set the task to fail on WTT Log.

    4. Set the task to run in system context.

      Note   The task will always fail if it is not run in system context.

  12. Click Save () to save the job.



Build date: 9/14/2012