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DXVA2 Display Test

Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Type: Automated Test


The DXVA2 Display test verifies that a display driver can comply with the DXVA 2.0 MPEG2 decode acceleration specification.


The DXVA2 Display test simulates an MPEG2 decoder and makes calls through the display subsystem to exercise the MPEG2 decode acceleration characteristics of the display driver. This test will try each of the minimal interoperability configuration sets that is defined in the DXVA 2.0 specification and whatever the driver's recommended profile is. The driver must support at least one member of the minimal set.

The test will run in automated mode through Driver Test Manager (DTM). The output from the display driver is compared to a reference image. If there are failures, a bitmap of the failing data will be saved and a reference to the file logged.

Run Time:

Log File:

System Restart Required: No

Test Category:

Supported operating systems for Logo or Signature testing:

  • Windows 7

  • Windows Vista



Software Requirements

The test tool requires the following software:

  • Supported operating system (see list above).
  • Software components included with the device that is being tested.

Hardware Requirements

  • Device to be tested
  • Computer that meets the minimum software requirements
  • Windows keyboard
  • Two-button pointing device
  • Color display monitor capable of at least 1024 by 768 resolution, 32-bits per pixel, 60 Hz
  • Hard drive with a minimum of 20 GB available on partition C:


  • x86
  • x64

Running DXVA2 Display Test

The test consists of a framework (ShellRunner) used by other DXVA2 or display tests, and a test .dll file that contains the proper test cases. The source filter must be registered before you run the test. The test also requires the presence of the source content (DXVAStream.dva and DXVAStreamMpeg1.dva) in the same directory as the test.

One of the test cases tests the ability of the decoder to work while the screen resolution is changed. This test case requires the presence of the ModeChange.exe utility to be present somewhere in the executable path. This tool is part of the display subset of the Microsoft Windows Driver Kit (WDK).

Test Assertions

Test Assertion GUID:

Windows Logo Program: DEVFUND-0014 Device drivers support x64 versions of Windows



Build date: 9/14/2012