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Note  This content applies to the Windows Logo Kit (WLK). For the latest information using the new Windows Hardware Certification Kit (HCK), see Windows HCK User's Guide on the Windows Hardware Dev Center.

Use the QuerySysparseReg parameter to check whether a value and/or its data exists in the Sysparse registry key. This parameter functions only when WttCmd executes from a system context.


wttcmd.exe /querysysparsereg /v:<name> [/d:<data>]
Argument Description


The name of a value in the Sysparse registry key. This value can be either of type REG_SZ or of type REG_MULTI_SZ.


The data present in the registry value.



wttcmd.exe /querysysparsereg /v:DimensionName /d:DimensionData


WttCmd returns 0 if <name> is present, and 1 if <name> is not present.

WttCmd returns 0 if <name> is specified and if <name> contains <data>.

WttCmd returns 1 if <name> is specified and if <name> does not contain <data>.



Build date: 9/14/2012