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The badge image catalog (Windows Store apps)

A badge can display either a number from 1-99 or a status glyph. This topic lists the badge images available for use on a tile, together with their XML equivalent in the badge template.

Note  The badge catalog is not extendable. Only the Windows-provided images listed in this topic can be used on a tile.

Numeric badges

Value Badge example XML
A number from 1 to 99 A badge displaying the number 1 <badge value="1"/>
Any number 99 or greater. Note that "99" is the largest number that can be displayed, even if the actual badge value is greater. A badge displaying 99+ <badge value="100"/>


Glyph badges

Status Glyph XML
none No badge shown <badge value="none"/>
activity The activity badge; two circling arrows <badge value="activity"/>
alert The alert badge <badge value="alert"/>
available The available badge; a green dot <badge value="available"/>
away The away badge; a yellow dot <badge value="away"/>
busy The busy badge; a red dot <badge value="busy"/>
newMessage The new mail badge; an envelope <badge value="newMessage"/>
paused The paused badge <badge value="paused"/>
playing The playing badge <badge value="playing"/>
unavailable The unavailable badge; a gray dot <badge value="unavailable"/>
error The error badge; an X <badge value="error"/>
attention The attention badge; an exclamation point <badge value="attention"/>


App tiles and badges sample

Badge XML schema

Badge overview

Guidelines and checklist for tiles and badges

How to clear a badge

How to send a glyph or numeric badge in a local notification

How to set up periodic notifications for badges

How to update a badge through push notifications





Build date: 9/4/2012