IConsoleServices Interface
Represents a set of services that can be accessed from with the Windows Home Server process.
Namespace: Microsoft.HomeServer.Extensibility
Assembly: HomeServerExt (in homeserverext.dll)
Public Interface IConsoleServices
public interface IConsoleServices
public interface class IConsoleServices
public interface IConsoleServices
public interface IConsoleServices
The IConsoleServices interface represents services that can be accessed by Console tab instances from within the Windows Home Server Console process.
The IConsoleServices interface contains the following methods:
EnableSettingsApply enables the Apply button on an instance of ISettingsTab.
OpenHelp opens the specified Help content file.
OpenSettings opens the specified Settings page.
OpenUrl opens the specified URL in the default browser.
Development Platforms
Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP
Target Platforms
Windows Home Server
See Also
IConsoleServices Members
Microsoft.HomeServer.Extensibility Namespace