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AddSegment method

Creates an ISegment interface for the content between two markup pointer in a markup container, and adds the segment to the editable selection.


HRESULT retVal = object.AddSegment(pIStart, pIEnd, ppISegmentAdded);


  • pIStart [in]
    Type: IMarkupPointer

    Pointer to an IMarkupPointer interface that specifies the start point for adding the segment.

  • pIEnd [in]
    Type: IMarkupPointer

    Pointer to an IMarkupPointer interface that specifies the end point for adding the segment.

  • ppISegmentAdded [out]
    Type: ISegment

    Address of a pointer to a variable that receives an ISegment interface pointer to the interface for the added segment in the selection environment.

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


The selection type (set with the ISelectionServices::SetSelectionType method) must be set to SELECTION_TYPE_Text before a call to ISelectionServices::AddElementSegment.