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WebWorkerDiagnosticsDiagnostics object

An object used for asynchronous communicate with the parent Diagnostics Object Model from the WebWorkerDiagnostics Object Model.

Note  These APIs can only be used with F12 developer tools and the Diagnostics Script Engine, and can't be called from JavaScript.




var wwdiagnostics = WebWorkerDiagnosticsGlobalScope.diagnostics;

DOM Information

Inheritance Hierarchy

The WebWorkerDiagnosticsDiagnostics does not inherit from any class or interface.


The WebWorkerDiagnosticsDiagnostics object has these types of members:

  • Methods


The WebWorkerDiagnosticsDiagnostics object has these methods.

Method Description

Registers an event listener of the given type to the object.


Posts a message to a DiagnosticsWebWorker object in the Diagnostics object model.


Unregisters a previously registered event listener of the given type.



All communication is asynchronous because the Diagnostics Object Model is on the UI thread, and the WebWorkerDiagnostics Object Model is on the web worker's thread.