lineCap property
Gets or sets the current line cap style.
HRESULT value = object.put_lineCap(
v);HRESULT value = object.get_lineCap(
* p);
Property values
Type: string
Default. A flat edge is put perpendicular to each end of the line with no cap added.
A semicircle or rounded end cap is added to each end of the line.
A square end cap is added to each end of the line.
Standards information
- HTML Canvas 2D Context, Section 6
The round and square styles for the ICanvasRenderingContext2D::lineCap property make the lines slightly longer. For round ends, the cap diameter equals the ICanvasRenderingContext2D::lineWidth value. The square style adds a rectangle with a width of 1/2 of ICanvasRenderingContext2D::lineWidth. Both the round and square styles add approximately 1/2 of the current ICanvasRenderingContext2D::lineWidth value to the end of a line. You should consider this addition if your graphics accuracy is critical.