W3CException Error Codes
This topic lists the HRESULT values that are translated into W3C exception codes by Windows Internet Explorer 9. The list is sorted alphabetically by name.
Constant/value | Description |
W3CException_DOM_ABORT_ERR 0x80700014 | The user aborted an operation. |
W3CException_DOM_DOMSTRING_SIZE_ERR 0x80700002 | The specified range of text is too large. |
W3CException_DOM_HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR 0x80700003 | The node cannot be inserted at the requested location. |
W3CException_DOM_INDEX_SIZE_ERR 0x80700001 | Index or size is negative, or greater than the allowed value. |
W3CException_DOM_INUSE_ATTRIBUTE_ERR 0x8070000A | The specified attribute is already in use elsewhere. |
W3CException_DOM_INVALID_ACCESS_ERR 0x8070000F | A parameter or operation is not supported. |
W3CException_DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR 0x80700005 | An invalid or illegal character is specified, such as, in a name. |
W3CException_DOM_INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR 0x8070000D | The underlying object type cannot be modified. |
W3CException_DOM_INVALID_STATE_ERR 0x8070000B | The specified node is not attached to the document. |
W3CException_DOM_NAMESPACE_ERR 0x8070000E | A namespace is required, or an invalid namespace is used. |
W3CException_DOM_NO_DATA_ALLOWED_ERR 0x80700006 | Data is specified for a node that does not support data. |
W3CException_DOM_NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR 0x80700007 | An attempt is made to modify an object that cannot be changed. |
W3CException_DOM_NETWORK_ERR 0x80700013 | A network error occurred. |
W3CException_DOM_NOT_FOUND_ERR 0x80700008 | The specified node cannot be found. |
W3CException_DOM_NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR 0x80700009 | The requested operation is not supported. |
W3CException_DOM_QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR 0x80700016 | The operation would exceed storage limits. |
W3CException_DOM_SECURITY_ERR 0x80700012 | The operation is not allowed due to same origin policy restriction. |
W3CException_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR 0x8070000C | An invalid string value is specified. |
W3CException_DOM_TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR 0x80700011 | The node type is incompatible with the expected parameter type. |
W3CException_DOM_URL_MISMATCH_ERR 0x80700015 | The specified URL does not match. |
W3CException_DOM_VALIDATION_ERR 0x80700010 | The operation would cause the node to fail validation. |
W3CException_DOM_WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR 0x80700004 | The node is owned by a different document and cannot be used. |
W3CException_EVENT_UNSPECIFIED_EVENT_TYPE_ERR 0x80703000 | The event was not initialized before it was dispatched. |
W3CException_EVENT_DISPATCH_REQUEST_ERR 0x80703001 | An event cannot dispatched more than one time. |
W3CException_RANGE_BAD_BOUNDARYPOINTS_ERR 0x80701001 | Start point and end point are not in the same branch. |
W3CException_RANGE_INVALID_NODE_TYPE_ERR 0x80701002 | The node type is not valid for the specified operation. |
W3CException_SVG_SVG_INVALID_VALUE_ERR 0x80702001 | The value is outside the expected range. |
W3CException_SVG_SVG_MATRIX_NOT_INVERTABLE_ERR 0x80702002 | The matrix cannot be inverted (for example, its determinant is near zero). |
W3CException_SVG_SVG_WRONG_TYPE_ERR 0x80702000 | The object type is not valid for the specified operation. |
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N/A |
Mshtml.idl |