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IInternetExplorerManager::CreateObject method

Create a Windows Internet Explorer browser object based on the specified configuration options.



HRESULT CreateObject(
  [in]         DWORD   dwConfig,
  [in, unique] LPCWSTR pszURL,
  [in]         REFIID  riid,
  [out]        void    **ppv


  • dwConfig [in]

    Value Meaning

    Start Internet Explorer with the following constraints:

    • Disable first-run dialog and welcome page
    • Disable crash and hang recovery
    • Disable toolbars and browser helper objects (BHOs)
    • Return a low integrity level IWebBrowser2 instance


  • pszURL [in]
    Reserved for future use. Must be NULL.

  • riid [in]
    The interface ID of the pointer returned in ppv.

  • ppv [out]
    Address of a pointer that receives the new object instance.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


By default, regardless of the value passed in dwConfig, this method always creates instances of Internet Explorer that have the following characteristics:

  • No frame merging
  • Isolated from CLSID_InternetExplorer and other instances of Internet Explorer
  • Isolated from other windows created using CLSID_InternetExplorerManager
  • All tabs for the frame run in a single tab process
  • No Enhanced Protected Mode (EPM), even if EPM is enabled in Internet Explorer


Minimum supported client

Windows 8 [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only]



See also
