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IDebugPropertyEnumType_All Interface

The IDebugPropertyEnumType interfaces are defined so that each of their IIDs can be passed as a filter to IDebugProperty::EnumMembers while requesting the appropriate enumerator.


IDebugPropertyEnumType_All : IUnknown  

Methods in Vtable Order

Method Description
IDebugPropertyEnumType_All::GetName Returns a text string describing the name

The following interfaces inherit from IDebugPropertyEnumType_All, and have no additional methods.

IDebugPropertyEnumType_Arguments : IDebugPropertyEnumType_All   
IDebugPropertyEnumType_Locals : IDebugPropertyEnumType_All   
IDebugPropertyEnumType_LocalsPlusArgs : IDebugPropertyEnumType_All   
IDebugPropertyEnumType_Registers : IDebugPropertyEnumType_All  

See also
