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Create the Internet Connection Wizard Sign-up Screens

Internet service providers (ISPs) can use the Internet Connection Wizard sign-up method as part of a custom browser package created with Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK).


The Internet sign-up option is not available for the Windows Vista operating system.

Each of the pages in the Internet Connection Wizard must meet the standards described in Coding Requirements for Internet Connection Wizard Sign-up.

Create the Name and Address page

When the user connects to your sign-up server, the first page the user sees on the sign-up server is the Name and Address page.

The name and address HTML section is displayed in a frame within the wizard. The frame is 444 pixels wide x 273 pixels high. Scroll bars do not appear if the HTML page exceeds these dimensions.

Create the Billing Options page

On the Billing Options page, you present the service billing options that the user chooses from. To do so, you use an HTML form within a frame in the Internet Connection Wizard window.

The user should be able to select an option using an HTML radio button, and one of the radio button options must be selected by default. If the user needs to make multiple selections, you can also include HTML check boxes in the frame.

The billing options HTML file that you supply is displayed in a floating frame within the wizard. The frame is 444 pixels wide x 273 pixels high. Scroll bars do not appear if the HTML page exceeds these dimensions.

Create the Method of Payment page

On the Payment Methods page, users specify how they want to pay for the Internet service. Each ISP controls which payment methods are available in the payment method list. The information is collected in the form that appears in a frame below the selection, which changes depending on the payment option selected in the list.

You can choose to offer any type of payment method:

  • Credit card (you can specify the type of card)

  • Debit card

  • Invoice

  • Phone bill charges

Create the ISP Account Login/E-mail page

The fourth page on the sign-up server is the Account Login/E-mail page, which enables the user to select an account logon and/or e-mail ID and password.

The Account Login/E-mail HTML page that is sent by your sign-up server is displayed in a floating frame within the wizard. The frame is 444 pixels wide x 273 pixels high. Scroll bars do not appear if the HTML page exceeds these dimensions.

Create the ISP POP Selection page

The POP Selection page is where the user selects a local phone number for Internet access.

The POP Selection HTML page that is sent by the ISP's sign-up server is displayed in a floating frame within the wizard. The frame is 444 pixels wide x 273 pixels high. Scroll bars do not appear if the HTML page exceeds these dimensions.

The user should not be asked to enter an area code or phone number a second time. Any area code or phone number fields in the frame should be pre-populated using the information already sent to the ISP's sign-up server from the Name and Address page.

Create the ISP Terms and Conditions page

On the Terms and Conditions page, the ISP shows the legal agreement the user must read to subscribe to the service. To ensure that the user accepts the agreement, the Next button of the Internet Connection Wizard is not available until the user clicks I accept the agreement.

The user can save the terms in HTML for viewing later by clicking the Save Copy button. When the user clicks the button, the user is prompted to enter a file name and path for saving the file.

The Terms and Conditions HTML page sent by the ISP's sign-up server is displayed in a floating frame with a 2-pixel border within the wizard. The frame's width is 426 pixels (without the 2-pixel border and vertical scroll bar). A horizontal scroll bar does not appear if the HTML page exceeds the width dimension.

The Terms and Conditions page should begin with the document's title and instructions explaining how the user can find a copy of the legal document on the ISP's Web site to print it or view it again.


There are no accessibility requirements for this page because no HTML form elements are allowed on the page.

Additional references