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Windows Universal OEM Package Schema

You can manually edit your packages using the Universal OEM Package Schema.

Creating Windows Universal OEM Packages


Only the common elements and attributes are documented here.

To get the full schema run "pkggen /universalbsp /wmxsd:.", then open WM0.XSD with Visual Studio.


Attribute Type Required Macro Notes
owner string *
name string * *
namespace string *
buildWow boolean Default = false, set to true to generate WOW packages
legacyName string * Uses the specified name as the package name overriding the default name (
<identity name="FeatureName" namespace="FeatureArea" owner="OEM" buildWow="false"/>


Attribute Type Required Macro Notes
targetPartition MainOS Data UpdateOS EFIESP PLAT * If onecorePackageInfo is not specified, Default = MainOS
releaseType Production Test If onecorePackageInfo is not specified, Default = Production
<onecorePackageInfo targetPartition="MainOS" releaseType="Production"/>


Attribute Type Required Macro Notes
source string * *
destinationDir string * destinationDir must start with one of the following built in runtime macros below.
name string used to rename the source file
buildFilter string

destinationDir must start with:

  • $(runtime.bootDrive)
  • $(runtime.systemDrive)
  • $(runtime.systemRoot)
  • $(
  • $(runtime.system32)
  • $(runtime.system)
  • $(runtime.drivers)
  • $(
  • $(runtime.inf)
  • $(runtime.fonts)
  • $(runtime.wbem)
  • $(runtime.appPatch)
  • $(runtime.sysWow64)
  • $(runtime.mui)
  • $(runtime.commonFiles)
  • $(runtime.commonFilesX86)
  • $(runtime.programFiles)
  • $(runtime.programFilesX86)
  • $(runtime.programData)
  • $(runtime.userProfile)
  • $(runtime.startMenu)
  • $(runtime.documentSettings)
  • $(runtime.sharedData)
  • $(runtime.apps)
  • $(runtime.clipAppLicenseInstall)
  • If not specified, the default is $(runtime.system32)

To see the directories that map to these locations, see C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\tools\bin\i386\pkggen.cfg.xml.

<file buildFilter="(not build.isWow) and (build.arch = arm)" name="output.dll" source="$(_RELEASEDIR)\input.dll" destinationDir="$(runtime.system32)"/>


Attribute Type Required Macro Notes
keyName string * * keyName must start with $(hklm.system), $(, $(hklm.hardware), $(hklm.sam), $(, $(hklm.bcd), $(hklm.drivers), $(hklm.svchost), $(hklm.policies), $(, $(, $(hklm.windowsnt), $(hklm.currentcontrolset), $(, $(hklm.control), $(hklm.autologger), $(hklm.enum), $(hkcr.root), $(hkcr.classes), $(hkcu.root), $(hkuser.default)
buildFilter string

To see the registry keys that map to these locations, see C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\tools\bin\i386\pkggen.cfg.xml.

<regKey buildFilter="buildFilter1" keyName="keyName1">
  <regValue buildFilter="buildFilter1" name="name1" value="value1" type="REG_SZ" />


Attribute Type Required Macro Notes
name string Name of the value you are specifying. If not specified, the Default value in the key will be over-written
type string * type must be one of these: REG_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_DWORD, REG_QWORD, REG_BINARY, REG_EXPAND_SZ
value string
buildFilter string
<regKey buildFilter="buildFilter1" keyName="keyName1">
  <regValue buildFilter="buildFilter1" name="name1" value="value1" type="REG_SZ" />
  <regValue buildFilter="buildFilter2" name="name2" value="value1,value2" type="REG_MULTI_SZ" />
  <regValue buildFilter="buildFilter3" name="name3" value="00000000FFFFFFFF" type="REG_QWORD" />
  <regValue buildFilter="buildFilter4" name="name4" value="FFFFFFFF" type="REG_DWORD" />
  <regValue buildFilter="buildFilter5" name="name5" value="0AFB2" type="REG_BINARY" />
  <regValue buildFilter="buildFilter6" name="name6" value="&quot;%ProgramFiles%\MediaPlayer\wmplayer.exe&quot;" type="REG_EXPAND_SZ" />