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Filter and Sort the Job List


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

In HPC Cluster Manager, you can monitor the jobs submitted to the cluster. In the job list, each row represents a job, and the columns display job properties, job state, and metric values. You can filter and sort the job list.

You can use the Navigation Pane to filter the job list by job state or by the job template that was used to submit the job. You can also use the filter fields in the views pane to filter jobs by Job name, Owner, Submit time, or Project name.

You can click the column headers to sort the list by specific properties. Customize the job list view by choosing which columns to display. For example, you can add the Queued Tasks, Running Tasks, and Finished Tasks columns to display a count of tasks in those states. In the toolbar, click View, then click Column Chooser.

Filtering and sorting the job list

To demonstrate how to filter and sort the jobs list, the following procedure shows how to view failed jobs that were submitted today and then sort the results by allocated node.

To view failed jobs that were submitted today and sort the results by allocated node

  1. In Job Management, in the Navigation Pane, under All Jobs, click Failed.

  2. In the views pane, in the Submit time drop-down list, click Today, then click the filter button.

  3. Right-click any column header, then click Column Chooser.

  4. In the Column Chooser dialog box, in Available columns, click Allocated Nodes, then click Add.

  5. In Displayed columns, click Allocated Nodes, then click Move Up until Allocated Nodes is near the top of the list.

  6. Click OK to close the dialog box.

  7. In the views pane, click the Allocated Nodes column header to sort the job list.

Additional considerations

  • The Excluded Nodes job property is not displayed in HPC Cluster Manager. You can set, clear, and monitor excluded nodes for your cluster by using HPC PowerShell. For more information, see Set and Clear Excluded Nodes for Jobs

  • When you filter jobs by priority band, the numerical value of the band is treated as the middle of the range. The filter returns jobs with priorities between band value minus 499 and band value plus 500. For example, if you filter the job list to see Normal priority jobs, the filter returns jobs that have a numerical priority between 1501-2500.

    This behavior changes when you are using the HPC APIs to filter the job list. When you filter jobs by priority band using the HPC APIs, the band value is treated as the beginning of the range. The filter returns jobs with priorities between the band value and the band value plus 999. For example, if you define the filter as filter.Add(FilterOperator.Equal, PropId.Job_Priority, JobPriority.Normal);, the filter returns jobs with a numerical priority between 2000-2999.

  • For information about using HPC Cluster Manager, see Overview of HPC Cluster Manager.

Additional references